Eucalyptus oil is a proven home remedies in various respiratory diseases. But the essential oil, which originally comes from Australia, can do much more for your health. We will show you what eucalyptus oil really helps against and which ingredients are responsible.

What exactly is eucalyptus?

A total of 600 species of trees are summarized under the name eucalyptus. There are about 20 species of eucalyptus essential oil. Eucalyptus trees are incredibly tough, they grow quickly and they sprout quickly after fire damage. Originally Eucalyptus comes from Australia, but now they are grown in all poor climates.

Today, however, China is the main producer. In China, the trees are planted in monoculture and crowd out the native flora. Therefore, when buying products that contain eucalyptus oil, you should make sure that they from sustainable bioeconomy come.

What are the effects of eucalyptus oil?

Eucalyptus is mainly used as an oil. It has many positive effects on the body, which we would like to enumerate for you. Primarily, eucalyptus oil comes for colds and flu-like infections for use.

The oil loosens the mucus of the bronchi and paranasal sinuses and provides quick relief. By the eucalyptus oil it should also be much easier to cough up and clear your nose. Also has eucalyptus oil an antispasmodic effect and makes it extremely difficult for bacteria to spread.

But eucalyptus oil is not only suitable for use inside the body. You can use eucalyptus oil also use on the skin. Eucalyptus oil is said to have a cooling effect on the skin.

However, it is also used to remove dirt from hands and feet. Eucalyptus oil for hair is also very popular because it nourishes, prevents dandruff and combats itchy scalp.

Application of eucalyptus oil

In order for the eucalyptus to develop its full effectiveness, it is important to use it correctly. It is best to only take the medicinal plant in consultation with a doctor because side effects can also occur with herbal remedies. For example, children and babies should never use eucalyptus oil in the mouth and nose area.

In general, eucalyptus oil is always diluted. If you are unsure, you should seek advice in advance on which dosage is the right one. eucalyptus can be taken in different ways.

You can take the medicinal plant as candies or capsules. But there are also eucalyptus drops that can be inhaled diluted with water. These drops are intended to loosen the mucus in the throat and pharynx and bring about a speedy recovery.

Eucalyptus can also be used as an ointment or cream applied directly to the skin will. But you can also get great hair with aromatherapy using eucalyptus oil. After all, the prerequisite for beautiful, strong hair is a healthy scalp, and a healthy scalp can be achieved through the use of essential oils.

Essential oils such as eucalyptus provide the scalp with a lot of moisture and have an antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect. On the scalp, this prevents problems such as dandruff, inflammation and pimples. The positive side effect is that hair growth is stimulated at the same time the hair structure is improved.

These are the ingredients of eucalyptus

Eucalyptus oil generally consists of cineole. At 60 to 80 percent, cineole is the largest main component and at the same time the most important active ingredient. This active ingredient gives the essential oil its fresh, camphor-like smell and is also found in other over-the-counter medicines against colds included.

It is not uncommon for eucalyptus to contain up to twelve lemons. The limes also give eucalyptus a lemony scent. In addition, eucalyptus contains up to ten percent pinene. Pinene can also be found in herbs such as oregano or rosemary.

This ingredient gives the eucalyptus oil a spicy taste. Phellandrenes can also be included to a small extent.

Can eucalyptus oil also cause side effects?

Everything that works has side effects. For this reason Eucalyptus oil must not be overdosed. An overdose can lead to nausea or vomiting. Also, the stool liquefies due to the expectorant properties of the oil.

In the liver, eucalyptus oil can also activate enzymes that break down foreign substances. These can also be medicines, so that their reduce effectiveness can. However, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid the oil.

Eventually, the oil can be transferred to the child through the placenta or through milk. The application should also be avoided in small children, since the Vapors cause severe shortness of breath can.

Eucalyptus oil for cold and flu

Common is eucalyptus oil as an active ingredient in cough drops to find. Especially in the winter time they are in the pharmacy and in every drugstore, as they against flu and against colds should help. There are usually four to five drops of the essential oil in a cough drop.

But also in cold capsules you can find eucalyptus oil. Due to the expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect of eucalyptus oil, it stimulates the bronchi to release water. This allows the mucus to drain off and you can cough up more easily.

The active ingredient responsible is 1,8-cineole. This helps against colds and when your nose and sinus are blocked. To relieve cough, you can Inhale eucalyptus oil. To do this, you need to put one or two drops in a large pot of boiling water and have a towel handy.

However, be careful not to use too much eucalyptus oil can be very irritating. Pour the water into a bowl and lean over it. You then have to put the towel over your head and the bowl so that the steam cannot escape.

Inhale the vapor with your eyes closed, otherwise they can become irritated very easily. Especially in the cold season have people with chronic diseases like chronic bronchitis or struggling with asthma with worse symptoms. According to experts, eucalyptus can prevent this.