Hello and welcome to modernbalance! I'm Evelyn, born in Aachen and have been writing here since June 2018. After my apprenticeship as an office communication clerk, I spent some time abroad. On the way, far away from everyday life, I motivated myself for a balanced and healthy life. I read a lot about it and started to write down my findings. Without further ado, I decided to share my research with others.

If you are interested in a healthy lifestyle, you have come to the right place! I write about topics that concern me a lot and with which I am confronted. This can be about a new beauty product or helpful tips for a healthy everyday life.


Why I care so much about a healthy lifestyle

Briefly about my story: I was never thin, during puberty my face looked more like a crumble bun and it didn't work out well with my period either. Sometimes I got it, sometimes I didn't. It failed so often that looking back over a year I had my days maybe four times. My friends envied me. However, I felt that my body was not functioning properly. After many unsuccessful visits to the doctor, during which everything seemed to be in order, it was discovered that I had an autoimmune disease: my thyroid destroyed itself. There was almost no thyroid tissue left and there was no hormone production. I heard sentences like: "Be prepared that you will never be able to have a child". Even if the topic wasn't present at the time, it depressed me. After all, you never know what you want when you are “big”. Unfortunately, after I got the right medication, I still didn't see complete success. I had to laboriously learn that the body reacts to stress and an unhealthy diet in the same way as it does to an existing illness.

Today I know that the body is a marvel. The more I valued and accepted him, the more "harmony" returned. Fortunately, I am getting better and better at regulating my stress levels so that I feel good. With the right organization and a little self-creation, a healthy diet can be integrated into everyday life, which does not mean that I don't even have a frozen pizza on a full day 😉

Today, years later, I look proudly at my growing baby ball. Soon I'll be able to hold a little miracle in my hands. Years ago I didn't think it was possible. It is a great way of life to be happy with yourself.

In my free time I am passionate about playing and teaching the piano. In addition, I mostly bake my own bread and I really enjoy cooking.