You lie in bed for hours, tosses from right to left and just can't find peace? Have you tried a lot, but there is no improvement? At some point the question will surely arise: "Problems falling asleep what helps?" 

We have put together the important tips for falling asleep for you:

1 Vihado Melatonin Spray - Premium: Up to 5 times... Vihado Melatonin Spray - Premium: Up to 5 times...*
  • Value for money: melatonin spray long-term supply for 180 sprays...
  • Highly dosed: Only 1 spray a day for 0,5 mg melatonin! Other...
  • Advanced expert formula: With vitamin B6 and lavender for a...
2 Bad Heilbrunner Good Night Tea - herbal tea in... Bad Heilbrunner Good Night Tea - herbal tea in...*
  • This will put you in a sleepy mood
  • Familiar smells, certain rituals: With things like these you can...
  • With a good cup of tea you can be on the right track to all of this...
3 Hoggar MELATONIN balance - sleep spray -... Hoggar MELATONIN balance - sleep spray -...*
  • Your sleep expert: Short-term sleep disorders can be stressful...
  • Simply sleep well: With the body's own messenger melatonin and...
  • Recommended use: 1 spray (equivalent to 0,5 mg melatonin) per...

Tip 1: Exercise regularly

Drift regular exercise, this strengthens your Immune system and calms your mind. Numerous studies show that athletes sleep better than those who are not active. Those who exercise regularly, preferably on a daily basis, rarely suffer from insomnia. 

You don't have to competitive sporthow excessive Dumbbell training or Jog a long walk in the forest or a few laps in the swimming pool are already very effective.

It is important that you take a break of at least 5 hours between the sporting activity and allow yourself to go to bed. Because when the body is still full of adrenaline, sleep is no longer an option either.

Tip 2: relax!

Especially when your everyday life is often determined by stress, hectic and multitasking, it is of course difficult to get some rest in the evening. Numerous relaxation methods for reducing stress and physical tension have proven themselves, including, for example, meditation, muscle relaxation according to Jacobsen, autogenic training and Yoga.

Have a look around to see where they are near you Health courses are offered and try out what suits you. Some health insurances cover part or even all of the course fees, so the excuses can safely stay at home. There are now many online courses and audio instructions for Meditation and Yoga. 

Tip 3: create a bedtime ritual

Treat yourself to something that is good for you every evening before you go to sleep and let it in R will. That can be a hot one, for example Cocoa, a delicious fruit tea, or a fragrant bubble bath by candlelight. You can also spend the day with a book or relaxing music let it fade away. Here the WWW again offers numerous Scope for music - to help you fall asleep, starting at Harp sounds about piano music and The sound of the seaEveryone will find something to suit their own taste there.

If you let this become a regular routine as a little sleep ritual before going to bed, you program your body to use the Sleep mode to change and then you can fall asleep more calmly and better. Meditation and rituals also cause monotony and security, an ideal contrast to your exciting everyday life

Tip 4: Get out with the TV, computer and smartphone

You don't have to throw them out the window right away, but at least you should get these technical devices out of the bedroom. Surely you've seen it before, you're watching a movie and a few hours later you find yourself nodding off on your couch in front of the television. However, the TV shouldn't be considered Einschlafhilfe or recreation, because it interferes with a sound sleep. The noises, as well as the blue-wave light of the screen send wake-up signals to your brain and keep your body from a healthy sleep.

The same applies to the displays of smartphones and tablets, through the blue-wave light, the production of the sleep hormone Melatonin inhibited. You will also mess up your sleep rhythm, because the first tiredness has disappeared. This can mean that you have trouble falling asleep in spite of this fatigue have. It is therefore advisable to go to bed immediately before going to sleep, to forego tablets, televisions and the like and thus to give the body the chance to fall asleep better. Horror films or other exciting films in the evening can also disturb a healthy sleep, so enjoy them in moderation and if possible not directly before bedtime.

Tip 5: No heavy meals in the evening

Avoiding heavy food applies not only to films and books, but also to nutrition.

It is recommended that you only eat light meals in the evening, because the digestion keeps you awake. Eating nothing at all would not be the solution either, it can too Feelings of hunger lead while sleeping. It is best to avoid foods such as fatty meat, bloating vegetables or foods that are too sugary in the evening. If you are now wondering what you can eat instead, I recommend nuts such as almonds or walnuts and cashew nuts, these promote sleep. Sugar-free fruit such as apricots or bananas and fish such as herring also result in a more peaceful sleep. 

Alcohol, Nicotine and Caffeine are not recommended right before going to bed, a glass of wine in the evening is still unproblematic, but with anything above it, the sleep intensity is significantly disturbed. Helpful to the Difficulty falling asleep To put a stop to it can be a cup of tea, for example. However, it should not be a caffeinated, stimulating green or black tea, herbal or fruit teas are healthier and more sleep-promoting. 

Tip 6: create a feel-good oasis

Sleep is a very important pillar in maintaining well-being and health, for one good quality of sleep Above all, the right environment is of great importance.

So if you've hidden everything in your bedroom that you don't want visitors to see, you should definitely change that. Create a pleasant atmosphere for yourself. A good look in the bedroom leads to optimal sleep and pleasant dreams. So muck out everything that reminds of work should find another place. 

Bring color into the bedroom: Subtle colors and light that is not too bright have a good effect on sleep. An optimal one Sleeping environment should be well ventilated. The right one Sleeping temperature should not be above 18 degrees. If you don't like sleeping with the windows open, you can ventilate the room before going to bed, which is particularly recommended in winter. Of the benchmark of 18 degrees can of course not always be maintained, especially in summer. But a quiet location is also important, with the right windows and blinds you can ensure darkness and that you are not disturbed by external stimuli. 

Tip 7: Avoid looking at alarm clocks

Who does not know it? The look at the clock and the cogs in your head begin to rattle. You calculate how much time is left before I have to get up? However, that creates pressure. Don't force your body to rest and sleep, occasionally an hour's sleep more or less doesn't do any harm.

Many sleep disorders are pure Head thing, negative thoughts like: "I have to sleep now, I have to switch off now" increase the pressure even more. Again, meditation is recommended here, because it can help brooding and circling thoughts to stop and let the mind calm down. Have patience! Everything takes time and also the practicing of healthy sleeping habits. What you will hopefully be able to do without in the future is: yourself over Having trouble falling asleep thoughts to have to do.


Not always the solution to all problems, in this case all problems falling asleep, is medication. So medication shouldn't be the first step you take to relieve insomnia. During exam times, for example, medication can help with falling asleep and falling asleep for a short period of time. valerian, you can take a natural sleep aid for a longer period of time. If insomnia persists, you should see a doctor. Medical causes for problems falling asleep can be, for example, depression, hormonal disorders, but also other medications. The causes for Problems staying asleep can, however, be cardiovascular diseases or stomach problems.

Your doctor can prescribe medication to help you fall asleep better.

If that doesn't help either, there's always the option sleep disorders get examined in a sleep laboratory or see a sleep therapist.

Difficulty falling asleep in children

The subject of falling asleep affects not only adults but also children. While it is exhausting but relatively normal for toddlers and babies, older children are quick to react with concern, and rightly so. For example, elementary school students need around ten to eleven hours of sleep. During sleep, the immune system is strengthened and growth hormones are released. In the REM phase, the brain processes the experiences and discoveries of the day in dreams.

If the deep sleep and dream phases are neglected, immune deficiencies, growth disorders, aggressiveness or fears can be the consequences. The causes of problems falling asleep in children can be a lack of physical activity and overstimulation, for example due to frequent video games and television, but also an overly full “appointment calendar”. In addition can pressure to perform, emotional problems or stress come. 

Tips for falling asleep for children 

Sufficient is particularly important for the little ones Exercise an der fresh air. Besides, that should Childrens Furniture be well ventilated and calm without disturbing stimuli. Some children can use cozy pajamas to fall asleep or a hot water bottle in bed. Shortly before going to sleep, homework should not be done, nor should you watch TV or play computers. But you can read a story to the child or have them read for themselves so that they can fall asleep better. It is also important for children to have discussed any existing fears or worries, which is best done in the afternoon and not before going to bed.

I hope I could help you for yours Problems falling asleep causes to find and you good Coping options and give helpful tips on how to fall asleep.

1 Vihado Melatonin Spray - Premium: Up to 5 times... Vihado Melatonin Spray - Premium: Up to 5 times...*
  • Value for money: melatonin spray long-term supply for 180 sprays...
  • Highly dosed: Only 1 spray a day for 0,5 mg melatonin! Other...
  • Advanced expert formula: With vitamin B6 and lavender for a...
2 Bad Heilbrunner Good Night Tea - herbal tea in... Bad Heilbrunner Good Night Tea - herbal tea in...*
  • This will put you in a sleepy mood
  • Familiar smells, certain rituals: With things like these you can...
  • With a good cup of tea you can be on the right track to all of this...
3 Hoggar MELATONIN balance - sleep spray -... Hoggar MELATONIN balance - sleep spray -...*
  • Your sleep expert: Short-term sleep disorders can be stressful...
  • Simply sleep well: With the body's own messenger melatonin and...
  • Recommended use: 1 spray (equivalent to 0,5 mg melatonin) per...