Under Burnout or the Burnout syndrome one understands an umbrella term for a condition emotional and / or mental exhaustion. Those who suffer from burnout cannot concentrate properly and keep making mistakes. He lacks the energy for both work and private life. It is difficult to say exactly where burnout comes from. Most of the time, however, one suspects one Connection with professional life or stressthat the data subject learns (1).

There are many approaches to counteract burnout. That you might as well make a difference with nutrition many of those affected do not know. Because healthy eating also seems to Prävention to be suitable from burnout.

1 Nature's Way Vitamin B12 Folic Acid High Dose -... Nature's Way Vitamin B12 Folic Acid High Dose -...*
  • FOR YOUR ENERGY IN EVERYDAY LIFE (1): Nature's Way B12 capsules + folate...
  • B12 COMPLEX: The B12 is a triple combination of the two...
  • PREMIUM FOLIC ACID: We use the branded raw material Quatrefolic -...
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  • Energy: The healthy way out of the fatigue labyrinth - with...
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3 Happy food instead of burnout - how we... Happy food instead of burnout – how we...*
  • Jopp, Andreas (Author)
Diet against burnout

Burnout can have many causes. But a lot can be done with the right diet.

Healthy nutrition against stress?

Nowadays almost all working people suffer from stress - sometimes more, sometimes less. Because experience shows that one can deal with stress better than the other. The problem with this is mostly that people who are under great stress professionally or privately are often no longer have time to relax. Personal freedom Reduce stress are not given, but that is exactly what makes the high exposure even worse.

In addition, people who are under stress are often also under anorexia suffer, but sometimes it can turn into the opposite and those affected eat way too much. What is also obvious: if you don't have a lot of time, you will of course also stay no time to cook healthy. The result is that you multiply Unhealthy and fast food takes.

A healthy diet means eating a varied diet and all the necessary vitamins and nutrients to take in - that is not the case with fast food. Certain Vitamines can even help reduce stress. So they have a positive effect on the body, especially in stressful times or with burnout.

Anyone who suffers from permanent overload can do something good for themselves and their soul by eating healthy. Unfortunately, it is often the case that those who are stressed tend to feel like eating greasy, sweet and unhealthy foods, which should be avoided.

nutrition against burnout

Fatty, fast food and industrial sugar should go with one Burnout syndrome be avoided.

Vitamins against stress - how should that work?

There are actually connections here. If you are stressed, your body releases more stress hormones than usual. This includes, for example Cortisol (2), Adrenalin (3) and norepinephrine. These hormones increase both the blood sugar level and the breakdown of proteins. The result: in the body becomes Insulin released and this acidic. The further consequence of this is that the Weakened immune system will. Right now it would be important to get enough vitamins to bring the imbalance back into balance.

So if you - and this is probably the biggest problem - resort to fast food and sweets in stressful times, you do nothing to improve this condition, but only make it worse.

vitamins against stress

In the case of stress and burnout, care must be taken to supply the body with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

Which foods help against burnout?

Certainly you can do that with the right food Burnout syndrome don't just heal like that. Nevertheless, the diet can definitely contribute to the fact that the person concerned is much better. It's not that difficult at all. Especially in stressful times, there are foods that are good for you, that increase energy, that have a positive effect on the nerves and also on the salvation of the soul. And unfortunately that doesn't include chocolate bars, currywurst or french fries.

The following foods are ideal sources of nutrients in stressful times:

  • Nuts
  • Fresh sprouts
  • Whole grain products of any kind (bread, pasta, etc.)
  • Green tea
  • Ginger, ginseng
  • fruit and vegetables

The most important source of energy, by the way, is carbohydrates are just as important high quality fatsthat also provide energy. protein however, is needed in order for us to be at all Forming happiness hormones can.

High quality carbohydrates are in Whole grain products, high quality fats in Nuts and seeds, high quality protein in Legumes, grains and vegetables.

Avoid these foods

In the first place it definitely can Industrial sugar to be named. Those who consume too much sugar are more likely to chronic fatigue, difficulty concentrating, aggressiveness, headache and depression. This is because sugar, but also white flour products, have an impact on ours due to the inferior carbohydrates they contain Vitamin B levels to have. B vitamins, in turn, have a great influence on our nervous system and thus on our psyche. Sugar creates an appetite for more over and over again - a treacherous spiral.

nutrition in case of burnout

Industrial sugar has a negative effect on the body and should be avoided in burnout syndrome.

Another important point are Trans fats. They do not occur in nature at all and are simply unhealthy for humans. Unfortunately, they get stuck all too often in finished products and fast food such as french fries, donuts, hamburgers, croissants, but also in biscuits, muesli bars and instant soups.

Incidentally, one is also problematic coffee consumption too high. For many people, coffee is no longer a luxury item, but a real addictive substance. Those who don't drink mean that they can't do anything and that they don't get going. So if you are stressed a lot, you reach for coffee over and over again. However, when drinking coffee Expelled adrenaline, the muscles tense and the Blood sugar levels increases at. Pulse and breathing accelerate. If the adrenaline rush subsides again after a while, it comes to pass Signs of exhaustion. Then there is another grip on the coffee cup. People who keep their caffeine level high can never get out of this cycle. It is very similar with energy drinks. They give a short kick, but as soon as the effect wears off, exhaustion or even mood swings occur. There is more and more adrenaline pumping out and neither body nor soul get such an important rest phase.

So it would be much better to switch to drinking water or green tea.

Nutritional in case of burnout

Coffee releases the stress hormone adrenaline. Too frequent coffee consumption should be avoided with burnout sufferers.

Can you eat yourself happily?

In a way, yes. It has even been scientifically proven that there is a link between mental illness and diet. So you can definitely prevent diseases like burnout with a healthy, fresh and varied diet, but even if they have already occurred, the symptoms can possibly be alleviated. It is good to know that you can also influence the intensity of the illness yourself and do not have to rely solely on the doctor, therapist and medication. So, to a certain extent, everyone has it in their own hands how his psyche is doing!


1 Nature's Way Vitamin B12 Folic Acid High Dose -... Nature's Way Vitamin B12 Folic Acid High Dose -...*
  • FOR YOUR ENERGY IN EVERYDAY LIFE (1): Nature's Way B12 capsules + folate...
  • B12 COMPLEX: The B12 is a triple combination of the two...
  • PREMIUM FOLIC ACID: We use the branded raw material Quatrefolic -...
2 Energy!: The healthy way out of... Energy!: The healthy way out of...*
  • Energy: The healthy way out of the fatigue labyrinth - with...
  • Product type: ABIS_BOOK
  • Color: White
3 Happy food instead of burnout - how we... Happy food instead of burnout – how we...*
  • Jopp, Andreas (Author)