The rhinoplasty with Hyaluron is a topic that has become increasingly important over the past few years and is of increasing interest to more and more people. This minimally invasive technique makes it possible to correct minor irregularities and shape problems in the nose without undergoing surgery. In this article you can read about the advantages of this method and what to look out for.

What is rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid?

With the rhinoplasty Hyaluronic acid It is a non-surgical method of correcting the shape of the nose. Hyaluronic acid is a clear, gel-like substance that our body produces naturally. It is known for its ability to bind water, giving our skin moisture and volume. In aesthetic medicine, hyaluronic acid is often used in the form of fillers to smooth wrinkles or to add volume - including shaping the nose.

Hyaluronic injection is less invasive and offers a shorter recovery time than traditional rhinoplasty surgery. The procedure is particularly suitable for people who want minor changes to their nose or their nose straighten nose want but not considering invasive surgery.

Another advantage of rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid is the immediate visibility of the results. Unlike surgical rhinoplasty, which takes months to see the final results, you can see the changes in your nose immediately after the treatment.

Important aspects of a rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid

If you are considering hyaluronic acid rhinoplasty, there are a few important things to consider:

Selection of the attending physician

It is important that you choose your doctor carefully and feel comfortable. The application of hyaluronic acid requires special training and experience. Your doctor should not only be qualified but also experienced in administering this specific treatment.

Realistic Expectations

A hyaluronic acid rhinoplasty can improve certain aspects of your nose, such as: B. small bumps or an irregular shape. However, the procedure cannot correct major structural problems or drastically change the size of your nose. Be aware of this and keep realistic expectations of the outcome.

Knowledge of the risks and side effects

Although rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid carries fewer risks than surgical correction, there are still potential side effects. This may include temporary swelling or redness. Discuss these risks with your doctor before deciding on treatment.

Temporary Results

Remember that the results of hyaluronic acid rhinoplasty are temporary. Hyaluronic acid is broken down by your body over time, which means that results usually wear off after several months, depending on the hyaluronic acid used. But there are also high-quality and highly cross-linked hyaluronic acids from the premium segment with a shelf life of around 1,5 years.

If you want to maintain the result in the long term, you need to periodically repeat the treatment. However, regular hyaluron treatment causes an improvement in skin quality and tightening of the skin in the long term through biostimulation. With multiple treatments, the result can last for several years due to the collagen-forming effect

course of treatment

A rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid usually begins with a detailed consultation. In this conversation, your attending doctor will discuss your wishes and expectations and inform you about potential risks and side effects.

After the consultation and planning of the treatment, the actual procedure begins. The doctor injects the hyaluronic acid into specific areas of your nose using a fine needle. The exact procedure may vary depending on the individual circumstances and goals of the treatment. The treatment usually only lasts a few minutes and you can usually resume your daily activities immediately afterwards.

The treatment is relatively painless, but there are numbing creams or numbing fillers for pain-sensitive patients.

The aftercare

After treatment, it's important to follow your doctor's instructions for follow-up care closely. This may mean avoiding certain activities, such as intense physical exertion or wearing glasses that rest on your nose. Normally you are socially acceptable again immediately after the treatment and can go about your everyday life.

The cost of a rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid

The cost of a rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid can vary widely - depending on various factors such as the location of the clinic, the experience of the doctor, the quality of the hyaluronic acid and the exact type of treatment performed. The price of such a treatment can therefore not be given as a flat rate. It is important that during your consultation you have a clear idea of ​​the costs to be expected.


The rhinoplasty with Hyaluronic acid is an increasingly popular method of improving the shape of the nose without the need for invasive surgery. By injecting hyaluronic acid, small irregularities can be corrected and the appearance of the nose can be improved. This method offers the advantage of faster recovery and fewer risks compared to rhinoplasty surgery.

Overall, hyaluronic rhinoplasty is an exciting option for those who want to improve their nose shape without having to undergo invasive surgery. When used correctly and with the right expectations, it can lead to improved satisfaction with one's appearance.