Admittedly - not the most beautiful topic: nail fungus. Nevertheless, many become infected with nail fungus. Unfortunately, these annoying unsightly companions do not go away on their own. The Loceryl nail polish * is supposed to remove nail fungus quickly and discreetly. We're taking a close look at Loceryl today and giving you helpful tips on how to treat nail fungus quickly.

How does nail fungus develop?

Nail fungus often arises, if already a Athlete's foot is available. Since this is contagious, the toenails are also often affected. Fungal spores get into the horny nail material, nest there and multiply. This type of mushroom lives on keratinized material. Therefore the feet are the most suitable living space. It is extremely difficult or almost impossible to get rid of the nail fungus with our Immune system to protect, as the nails are largely not supplied with blood. The athlete's foot has the perfect opportunity to form fruiting bodies in the nail in order to spread further fungal spores.

1 Loceryl medicated nail polish against... Loceryl medicated nail polish against...*
2 Galderma Laboratorium GmbH Loceryl nail polish against... Galderma Laboratorium GmbH Loceryl nail polish against...*
  • PZN-11286169
  • 2.5 ml nail polish containing active ingredient
  • in pharmacies
3 Loceryl nail polish Loceryl nail polish*
  • Loceryl
  • nail polish
  • 2,5mg / g

Favorable factors for a nail fungus

Fighting off nail fungus is usually not a problem for a healthy person. If our immune system is weakened, however, nail fungus can still develop from time to time. In particular diseases like Diabetes can be the cause of chronic nail fungus. Because we often go with Fungal spores come into contact, it only takes a weak immune system or state of health to become susceptible to nail fungus. Even Stress, as well as certain drugs can lead to the immune system being weakened and the breeding ground for athlete's foot is favored. Even Circulatory disorders or atherosclerosis cause the blood vessels to become calcified, which can lead to athlete's foot. This is common in the elderly.

How do I recognize nail fungus?

Typical symptoms indicate that nail fungus is present:

  • The nail bed is inflamed
  • The nails are brittle, individual nail layers split off
  • White streaks and spots become visible
  • The nail turns whitish to yellowish-brown
  • The nail plate thickens

What to do with nail fungus

Even if nail fungus is not a tragic disease, it should be taken seriously. Nail fungus goes unfortunately not away on its own. It would therefore be fatal to ignore it and hope for improvement. In the worst case, nail fungus can spread to such an extent that pain develops and those affected even have difficulty walking.

  • Nail fungus with Loceryl The nail fungus must be killed. Therefore, special treatment is absolutely necessary for it to go away. Apply the Loceryl nail polish * as described under "Loceryl application" once a week. Treatment must continue until a healthy nail grows out.
  • Laundry your feet daily and dry them well. Especially between the toes, you should make sure that the gaps are dry well.
  • Horny skin favors fungi. Cream your feet therefore regularly with a lotion to protect your feet from drying out and from cracking the skin.
  • Disinfect shoes: In addition to the Loceryl application, you should also treat your shoes. In a warm and humid environment, fungi can spread optimally and further fungi nest there, which can infect your skin and healthy nails. After wearing them, you should ventilate your shoes. If possible, wear open-toe shoes to avoid sweating.
  • Personal towel Use: Never share a towel with other people. In this way you protect yourself from further fungal infections and cannot infect others.
  • Wash on at least 60 degree wash: Shoes, socks and towels - everything that comes into contact with your feet should be in the whites. This ensures that fungi are killed and that they do not infect healthy parts of the body or other people the next time they are used.
  • Change your stockings Every day. Also, use a separate towel for your feet after you shower to protect other parts of your body from the fungus.
  • In public baths Slippers wear: Especially in the summer we go barefoot exuberantly and do not notice that we can get infected. Communal showers, changing rooms, hotels, swimming pools, saunas and other places where several people go barefoot together are the perfect breeding ground for nail fungus. Even a single guest can present the floor with nail fungus and thus other visitors with nail fungus.
  • Only use in times of nail fungus Disposable products like nail files or cosmetic accessories. This prevents fungi from implanting and spreading to healthy nails.
  • In addition to treating nail fungus, make sure you don't have athlete's foot. However, if it has affected your foot before, you should treat the athlete's foot as well. Otherwise, the nail fungus will never go away if the fungus can constantly spread to the nails.

The Loceryl ingredients

The Broad spectrum antifungal amorolfine makes up the active ingredient in the Loceryl ingredients. The active ingredient damages the outer shell or the cell membrane of fungi. This causes the fungus to starve and die out. Fungi are inhibited in their growth and die as a result of direct damage to their cell interior.

Other, medically inactive components of the Loceryl ingredients are butyl acetate, ethanol, ethyl acetate, triacetin and poly.

Loceryl application

The Loceryl comfort pack contains everything you need: cleaning cloths, Disposable nail files and the Loceryl nail polish with applicator *. Before you use the nail polish, you should file down all diseased nail parts as best you can with the disposable nail files provided. After the first Loceryl application, you should only file the nail if the nail has thickened or nail layers are still affected. It is extremely important to now disinfect the nails with the cleaning wipes. You can also use a cotton ball that you soak in disinfectant or nail polish remover. When the nails are clean, you apply the Loceryl nail polish. Let it air dry for 10 minutes.

Loceryl dosage

Since a fingernail takes about 6 months and a toenail even 9 to 12 months to completely regrow, the improvements are difficult to see. First results cannot be expected within two weeks, as the growth of the nail plays a decisive role in the speed of treatment. First successes you can therefore go about 1 to 3 months recognize. Even if the treatment takes a long time and can become cumbersome over time, it is important not to stop prematurely. Carry out the Loceryl application continuously so that you can count on improvement. If no results are visible after three months of treatment, you should still consult a doctor as a precaution.

A 3 ml pack of Loceryl nail polish * is sufficient for an affected big toe in about 12 months. In most cases, you will get by with one pack for the complete treatment.

Loceryl cream for fungus-free feet

The Loceryl Creme *, which contains the same, is particularly practical Loceryl ingredients how the Loceryl nail polish is provided. Since, as already mentioned, nail fungus often occurs after athlete's foot has attacked the foot, the simultaneous treatment of athlete's foot is also advisable. After all, it would be counterproductive to only treat the nail fungus. Existing athlete's foot would quickly infect the nails with fungus again. The broad-spectrum antimycotic Amorolfin, already penetrates at the first application into the top layers of the skin and kills fungi there. Another advantage is that the Loceryl cream only needs to be applied once a week. The duration of treatment is two to six weeks, depending on the severity of the fungal attack.

Loceryl experiences

“It is easy to use and quick. There is a sufficient amount of varnish that is needed over the long period of use. But you have to be patient ... ”(Loceryl experiences on

“I am using Loceryl nail polish for the first time. Getting rid of nail fungus is a tedious process. But this nail polish is very easy to use. What was decisive for me for the purchase: you only have to apply the paint once a week. I think that's very good and seems sufficient to me. Required aids are already included in sufficient quantities in the package. ”(Loceryl experiences on

Loceryl test

The Loceryl test carried out by "ÖKO-TEST" (1) says that you can't go wrong with the solution. The recognized effectiveness of Amorolfin should be good. The paint is still insoluble in water and contains no controversial auxiliaries. The accessories in the pack also fit.

“Consumer” (1) also carried out a Loceryl test and recommends the product for all types of mushrooms. That is positive scientifically proven therapeutic effectiveness the Loceryl ingredients. The Loceryl cream, which is suitable for athlete's foot, should also be emphasized.

Loceryl price

According to the manufacturer, the Loceryl price is around 35 euros. However, due to the different providers, the Loceryl price may vary. You can buy Loceryl at any local pharmacy. However, the best way to do a Loceryl nail polish price comparison is online. In this way you can find out where the cheapest price is being offered and can then easily buy Loceryl on the Internet.

Loceryl price comparison *

Conclusion on Loceryl

Nail fungus is a nasty business. Hence it is very beneficial to have a discreet treatment is possible at home. Loceryl * scores with its scientifically proven active ingredient that kills fungal cells. It is also very advantageous that Loceryl used only once a week must become. This is a plus point and saves an enormous amount of time, especially in the case of protracted combats such as foot and nail fungus.


And for all ladies: At the moment there is a Loceryl red nail polish for free! The Loceryl colored nail polish can be used after successful healing. Very soon you will be able to use Loceryl and nail polish at the same time.


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Experiences and customer ratings (**) Disclaimer: The reviews and experiences with the product Loceryl can vary from person to person and are not universally valid. It is recommended that you see a doctor for a medical diagnosis.

Please note: It is possible to change product specifications, prices, delivery times and costs in the meantime. Therefore, in principle, all information in this regard is provided without guarantee.

1 Loceryl medicated nail polish against... Loceryl medicated nail polish against...*
2 Galderma Laboratorium GmbH Loceryl nail polish against... Galderma Laboratorium GmbH Loceryl nail polish against...*
  • PZN-11286169
  • 2.5 ml nail polish containing active ingredient
  • in pharmacies
3 Loceryl nail polish Loceryl nail polish*
  • Loceryl
  • nail polish
  • 2,5mg / g