Ecological building - even when building houses in large cities, more and more emphasis is placed on sustainability. Many people rethink their everyday habits for the sake of the environment, but sustainability is not only playing an increasingly important role in the general way of life. The desire for more sustainability is also increasing in building. Therefore, nowadays the House building in big cities like Berlin  increasingly on ecology. Primary goals in construction "Green Building" are in particular in the Minimizing energy consumption and resources. This means that you can go with green building too long-term would like to achieve a minimization of energy consumption by building a house. Even during the construction work, attention is paid to the sustainable use of building materials. Therefore, only natural building materials and colors are used and no plastics based on crude oil are used. In addition to the construction method and building material, the longevity of the building is also a decisive criterion for sustainable construction.

What does ecological building mean?

The demand for houses that produce more energy than they consume is also increasing in Germany. Eco-construction is intended to help protect the environment and preserve valuable resources. In the case of ecological house construction, the construction of the building is already from the Planning through to implementation geared towards environmental protection and sustainability. The "Green Buildings“Consist of sustainable and environmentally friendly building materials. At the same time it is method of construction of sustainable buildings in particular energy efficient. But not only building new sustainable houses is possible. The subsequent retrofitting of existing apartments and houses through renovation is also a way of making houses more ecological. Sustainable building starts with choosing the right type of house. But if you want to "build sustainably", you should plan this carefully and consult the right experts.

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How does sustainable house construction work?

There is though no uniform approach for sustainable building, however, some aspects should be considered. Sustainability can only arise when several important factors interact. The construction of ecological houses is based on the 3-pillar model of sustainability. This takes the following components into account:

1. Ecological quality

Only environmentally friendly materials are used for the construction of sustainable houses and the construction method and construction method must be conducive to environmental protection.

2. Economic quality

Economic factors also play a major role in sustainability. For sustainable building, this means that the cost-effectiveness of the building must also be taken into account during planning and construction.

3. Socio-cultural quality

Sustainable building should enable peaceful coexistence and at the same time support the social performance of the population.

There are also various certification procedures to determine the sustainable quality of the building. In Germany there is, among other things, the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) and the Sustainable Building Assessment System for Federal Buildings (BNB).

Which materials are well suited for ecological house construction?

Only certain materials should be used in ecological house construction. The following are well suited:

  • Natural insulation
  • natural building materials such as bricks, natural stones or clay
  • natural colors and adhesives based on plants without solvents
  • multi-insulated wooden windows

On the other hand, (artificial) insulation wool, sand, varnish, gravel and plastics based on crude oil should be avoided. The construction of a “green building” is therefore also more cost-intensive and the selection of suitable raw materials is lower. However, there are numerous funding opportunities for the construction of sustainable buildings. It is possible to apply for a loan or a loan from “green banks” or the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).

Where can you save energy when building a house?

Orienting the house towards the sun during construction can significantly minimize the heating requirement, and less artificial light is required. Air conditioning systems consume a lot of energy, so doing without them saves a lot of energy. It also makes sense to use solar technology or small wind turbines, because electricity can be generated with solar systems and wind power. The use of heat pumps is also considered an energy saver. The multiple glazing of doors and windows prevents excessive heat loss.

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