The Zinc it is an extremely important trace element for humans and whoever has a deficiency often suffers from exhaustion, tiredness or skin problems. However, it is unfortunately not that easy to determine a zinc deficiency as such. The question also arises: How does a zinc deficiency actually occur? Does Zinc Deficiency Gain Weight? How does zinc deficiency affect the psyche? What does selenium have to do with zinc deficiency? Does zinc deficiency cause muscle pain? Is there a special zinc deficiency test? What is the daily zinc requirement of a child and an adult? And last but not least: What is the best way to remedy a zinc deficiency?

Zinc - what it does in the body

The Trace element Zinc activates more than 200 proteins in the body. It is responsible for the functioning of enzymes and hormones such as insulin, growth and sex hormones. The human body also needs zinc for that Metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. A weight gain due to a zinc deficiency can therefore be logically justified.
Also for that Growth of cells and zinc is essential for the immune system. It is believed that a high-quality zinc preparation such as Cosphera Zinc Tablets *, taken in good time at the first signs of a cold, can effectively help prevent the cold is less violent.

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Zinc deficiency causes: how does it come about?

After all, she suspects WHOthat around half of all people may be consuming too little zinc. The cause of the zinc deficiency lies among other things in today's western diet. This is very poor in zinc. No wonder, since many people no longer cook themselves, eat far too few fruit and vegetables and instead focus on practical things finished products To fall back on. In addition, due to depleted soil, there are usually far fewer nutrients in today's fruit and vegetables than was the case a few decades ago. Added to this is the problem that many people consume too many foods that contain the Zinc intake brake. This includes cola, various types of lemonade, but also iron, copper and tannins from a wide variety of foods. Even milk and dairy products inhibit the absorption of zinc due to the calcium it contains. Therefore concerns Zinc deficiency also children - at least every now and then.
Some medications can also influence the absorption of zinc and thus promote or cause a zinc deficiency Zinc deficiency cause These include, for example, laxatives, birth control pills, gastric acid neutralizers, lipid lowering agents or preparations containing cortisone. The result: there is a zinc deficiency.

What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency?

If there is a zinc deficiency in the human body, then important processes of the entire organism are significantly disrupted. The body is only effective when there is an adequate supply of zinc more resilient and efficient. This is particularly noticeable in growth, in old age and in people who do a lot Sport float.
The zinc deficiency symptoms are varied: zinc deficiency can be in Dark circles show zinc deficiency manifests itself in the Skin, sometimes zinc deficiency also favors Muscle aches, Also one Weight gain zinc deficiency is not uncommon. In addition, those affected often suffer from lack of concentration, listlessness, fatigue and weakness. This is due to the influence of zinc on ours psyche.

Zinc deficiency shows up especially at the houset through eczema, psoriasis, skin fungus, brittle and thin hair, brittle nails and through white spots on the nails. Wound healing disorders and dry, flaky skin can also be signs of zinc deficiency.
Even hormonal symptoms keep recurring in connection with zinc deficiency. This leads to decreased libido, erectile dysfunction or even infertility if too little zinc is consumed over the long term. Zinc deficiency in children may manifest itself through stunted growth.
Because zinc has an important influence on our immune system, frequent colds, a weak immune system and infections in the mouth such as canker sores are common side effects of zinc deficiency. In addition, athletes often complain of muscle pain when there is a zinc deficiency.

Is there a zinc deficiency test?

The doctor can indicate a zinc deficiency through a special zinc deficiency test, which provides information on how things are going with the zinc supply. There are also zinc deficiency tests on the Internet that simply have to answer a few questions that can then indicate a suspicion of a zinc deficiency.

If in the wake of a zinc deficiency on Dietary Supplement As Cosphera * is used, the first positive effects are usually already apparent after a few months: wound healing improves, hair grows fuller and healthier, the skin looks better and infections are better warded off. This means that the entire immune system becomes stronger and benefits from it.

How can you fix zinc deficiency?

If the symptoms are noticeable, it is obvious to remedy the zinc deficiency. The use of dietary supplements is best coordinated with the attending physician. First they will probably do a zinc deficiency test to get the exact values. The preparation from Cosphera *, for example, is recommended to remedy a zinc deficiency. Each tablet contains 25 mg of highly available zinc bisgylcinate. So it is high-dose tablets, which are available in a practical annual pack with 365 tablets. The product is made in Germany and is free from animal ingredients and any genetic engineering. In addition, it does not contain any preservatives or additives.

Zinc Overdose: Can There Be Side Effects?

Unfortunately yes. If you take zinc supplements on your own as you like, you run the risk of side effects, including headaches, nausea and vomiting, which can even go as far as serious side effects such as poisoning or coma.

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Zinc and Acne - Is There a Link?

Zinc deficiency shows up on the skin. Zinc deficiency in children and adolescents is often recognizable by pimples, blemished skin and Acne. In this case a combination of internal and external application could be useful. That means taking a dietary supplement in the form of zinc tablets, what with a zinc ointment is combined for application to the skin.

Zinc deficiency and hair loss often go hand in hand

A lack of zinc often leads to hair loss. Unfortunately, this is a fact and possibly a sign that something is wrong with the zinc balance. Hair loss due to zinc deficiency but can usually be quickly regained with a suitable zinc preparation.

Zinc and the psyche

Zinc deficiency also affects the human psyche. Zinc deficiency and the psyche - this has the effect that it can often lead to a bad mood, listlessness or even depression.

What is the daily zinc requirement?

Opinions differ on this. However, it is assumed that the Zinc daily requirement in adults between 10 and 30 mg per day lies. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, on the other hand, as well as people who do not eat healthily, have the Smoking or do a lot of sport, possibly a slightly increased need.
This need may possibly not be met exclusively through zinc-containing foods. Anyone who is unsure whether they are consuming enough zinc or recognizing the first symptoms of zinc deficiency should speak to their doctor about a suitable dietary supplement.

Selenium and zinc deficiency

Just like zinc, selenium is an important trace element. If you suffer from zinc deficiency, you should also pay more attention to selenium. There are also suitable ones here Dietary Supplementwith which an adequate supply can be ensured.

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