The "work-life balance" is currently haunted by the media everywhere, because more and more people are striving for a balanced life. A good work-life balance is generally referred to as a success factor. But what exactly is it, this one Work-Life Balance and when is a harmonious equilibrium achieved? Read in this article how your own quality of life can be increased when phases of tension and relaxation are in a harmonious balance and how you can help to optimize your own work-life balance.

What is behind the trend term work-life balance?

The meaning is already in the name: Work, life, balance. While an amusing slogan advertises “eat, sleep, work, repeat” (eat, sleep, work, repeat), the work-life balance is about creating enough freedom in addition to professional challenges and not constantly rushing from one appointment to the next in your free time. The other way around, however, the work-life balance also means that there must also be a balance for free times. It is hardly surprising that people who have too much daytime free time often have cloudy to depressive thoughts and live listlessly into the day. Here there is clearly a lack of meaningful activity that not least increases one's self-esteem.

Not every working person goes into the end of the day with the knowledge "Today I have achieved a lot again!" Taking care of the household and children at home, falling by the wayside in the long term. Anyone who raises children should still make sure that they create enough space for their own activities or thoughts. Otherwise burnout can quickly occurto which the environment usually reacts with rejection: "She doesn't do anything all day anyway!"

“I'm over it!” The art of not being constantly influenced by other people

Is your mother-in-law grumbling again because the cleaning wasn't thorough enough? The children are complaining because there was no time for the outdoor pool today? Treat yourself to time and again - at least mentally - in stressful moments. Change rooms if possible, or at least focus very firmly on not being annoyed by snappy comments right now. Against unfair rhetoric and defamation from outside it helps to remind yourself of all the useful and beautiful things that have already been done today, yesterday or last week. However, whether one shares these findings with one's fellow human beings cannot always be regarded as meaningful.

If nice thoughts do not help in an acute situation to distance yourself from the opinions of others, you can help with calming food supplements or with relaxation exercises. With long-term use, these help to develop a thick coat and calm the nerves. Studies indicate that z. B. the Ashwagandha extracts can not only help against stress, but also shield human brain cells from negative external influences. More information about this natural herbal active ingredient can be found on the website of Myvial recall.

Organic food supplements can help with a good work-life balance

Many natural food supplements, in combination with a balanced diet, provide all the necessary vital substances that ensure that you can concentrate better at work and achieve full performance. Furthermore, some food supplements have natural active ingredients with a calming effect on the organism and help you to relax in your free time and also allow yourself to be five. Really good quality and health-promoting food supplements are not that easy to find. However, these can stimulate creativity in a gentle and natural way without stressing the body. Perhaps some users will then have a sparkling inspiration about what else they would like to do with their own life, what desires and goals they may have forgotten over the years of unemployment. Biological preparations can thus help to bring your own work-life balance back into balance.

Those who take the health-promoting preparations can also count on a strong immune system and a balanced vitamin balance. If the balance in the hormonal balance is created, a lot of the work is easier, it happens through organic food supplements to an increased quality of life with an improved well-being. Especially in the cold season it is very important to pay particular attention to your health. In addition to a healthy diet with natural support from organic products, regular exercise in the fresh air should also be on the agenda in winter when it is not raining, storming or snowing. But a stimulating visit to a museum can also focus more on your own interests and thus contribute to a harmonious work-life balance.

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