WICK MediNait - the classic cold medicine - is a syrup and is usually used for flu-like infections, which are often accompanied by a cough, runny nose, fever and headache, sore throat and body aches. On the other hand, the product is not suitable for coughing with a lot of phlegm and should not be used in this case. In this article we would like to introduce you to the Wick MediNait * product in a little more detail.

What does the WICK MediNait test deal with?

In addition to the ingredients, we go in one WICK MediNait test including the question of whether WICK MediNait without alcohol and report on the various Wick MediNait * experiences ** that users have gained with this drug. In addition, the WICK MediNait side effects received in detail. And finally, this test also shows where you can find more information about the drug, for example in the WICK MediNait WIKI on the Internet.

1 Wick MediNait cold syrup for the night, ... Wick MediNait cold syrup for the night, ... *
  • Works against 6 cold symptoms: fever, headache, ...
  • In the case of colds, WICK MediNait promotes restful sleep. The...
2 WICK MediNait cold syrup 90 ml WICK MediNait Cold Syrup 90 ml *
3 WICK MediNait cold syrup for the night 90... WICK MediNait cold syrup for the night 90...*
  • contains a combination of several active ingredients
  • for the treatment of cold symptoms
  • Oral solution

Besides WICK MediNait (often incorrectly Wick Medi Nait or Wick Night advertised) there are also a few other products from Wick that can also be used in the case of a flu-like infection and help support recovery. We would like to go into some of these Wick products at the end of this review.

WICK MediNait ingredients

The WICK MediNait ingredientsthat are in the syrup are composed of various active ingredients. So are in 30 ml of the syrup among others the following Active ingredients include:

  • Paracetamol 600mg
  • Doxylamine succinate 7,5 mg
  • Ephedrine Hemisulfate 8 mg
  • Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide 15 mg

This WICK MediNait ingredients They all serve a very specific purpose. So it is with Paracetamol a pain reliever, Doxylamine succinate reduces the discharge from the nose, Ephedrine hemisulfate serves to decongest the nasal mucous membranes and at Dextromethorphan hydrobromide it is a classic cough suppressant. Thus, the WICK MediNait ingredients are primarily composed of various known drugs, which in their entirety become one peaceful sleep should contribute.

Further information on the ingredients contained in WICK MediNait * can be found in the Wick MediNait wiki on the Internet. Often, however, parents also ask themselves whether WICK MediNait without alcohol or whether the drug does contain alcohol.

Wick MediNait without alcohol?

Especially for the parents of smaller ones Children it is important to know that in WICK MediNight overall 18% alcohol are included, which leads to one at each Taking of 30 ml consumes about 4,3 g of alcohol. For this reason, WICK MediNait should too not in adolescents under 16 years of age be applied. So the answer to the question of whether Wick MediNait is alcohol-free is a resounding no!

For younger patients, if necessary, then rather WICK Day Med or Wick vaporub which, in contrast to WICK MediNait, are made without alcohol. WICK Vaporub can be used on children from the age of 2, while WICK DayMed is suitable from 12 years.

WICK MediNait dosage

Within the WICK MediNait dosage It should be noted that the medicine should not be used in children under 16 years of age. In addition, the WICK MediNait dosage is always based on the type and severity of the disease, which is why a doctor should be consulted in the event of long-lasting or extremely severe symptoms.

Otherwise it is recommended Wick MediNait dosage, for adolescents from the age of 16 years, 30 milliliters of the juice at bedtime in the evening. For the treatment of cold-related complaints during the day, users should, however, prefer to use another drug from the manufacturer.

If there is still no improvement after three days, you should consult a specialist doctor ** in order to clarify the respective complaints with him. Under certain circumstances, this person can also prescribe a higher or lower Wick MediNait dosage.

WICK MediNait mode of action

Thanks to the active ingredients it contains, WICK MediNait * helps among other things Fever, runny nose and dry cough as well as headache, neck pain and aching limbs. If you have only one of these symptoms, however, it is more advisable to resort to another medication.

This all-purpose effect sounds almost like a "WICK MediNait drug", but the mode of action is more due to the combination of the above substances. When you go to sleep, it also works like a "WICK MediNait sleep aid" and thus contributes to a restful sleep and relieves coughs in only about 15 minutes. the Duration of action from WICK MediNait takes around 8 hours and patients often feel a little better the next morning **.

WICK MediNait side effects

Within the Taking from colloquially of mentioned Wick Night it can be of the most varied WICK MediNait side effects and interactions come. Combinations with other medications that result in side effects should not be taken again and it is recommended to consult a doctor who can decide on further measures.

Frequent WICK Medi Nait side effects are not yet known, but liver dysfunction can occur in rare cases. In very rare cases, other Wick MediNait side effects such as high blood pressure, EKG changes, headaches, depression and other side effects can occur. Therefore, if you notice any side effects after taking Wick MediNait, it is recommended to consult a doctor **. And you can get more information about this in the WICK MediNight package insert.

Is WICK MediNait a sleep aid?

Due to the Wick MediNait ingredients, WICK MediNait is often used as a sleep aid and is therefore misused as a "WICK MediNight drug". The WICK MediNait ingredients relieve the discharge from the nose as well as pain and also contribute to the decongestion of the nasal mucous membrane. In this way, the remedy promotes peaceful and restful sleep, which contributes to a rapid improvement in cold symptoms and is therefore also called "WICK MediNight sleep aid".

Alternatively, users can also click on WICK Day Med fall back and are thus also prepared for the coming day. In this way, WICK MediNait in conjunction with Wick DayMed helps you get your usual daily routine under one roof, even with an acute cold, and that you are not tied to bed idly all day.

Buy WICK MediNait

WICK MediNait can be found in the pharmacy around the corner as well as in one of the many Online pharmacies can be purchased on the Internet. You can choose between a pack size of 100 ml and a larger version with a content of 180 ml.
Since WICK MediNait is not an over-the-counter medication, you do not need to present a doctor's prescription to purchase it. So you can buy the remedy at the first sign of a flu-like infection in the pharmacy and thus fight the symptoms from the beginning. Even adolescents from 16 years of age can buy WICK MediNait *, whereas the drug should not be used in patients under 16 years of age. Because the Wick MediNait ingredients also contain 18% alcohol.

WICK MediNait Award

Of course, many are now wondering what about the price that has to be put on the table. And of course we would like you to do this all in one WICK MediNait test betray. The price that the customer pays in the pharmacy or on the Internet is always based on the packaging size.

The WICK MediNait price for the 100 ml version is around € 7, while the WICK MediNait price for the 180 ml pack is around € 12.

For this price, however, users also receive a drug that reliably helps combat the most common cold symptoms and lets them sleep peacefully again. If, on the other hand, you were to decide to buy all drugs individually that are contained in the WICK MediNait ingredients, you would probably put a lot more on the table than buying from Wick MediNait.

WICK MediNait experiences

The WICK MediNait experiences** that the users have done with the drug are positive in many cases **. A number of WICK MediNait experiences ** that can be found on the Internet show the effect that is ascribed to the drug. The Wick MediNait sleep aid usually helps the sick to fall asleep and also very reliably reduces the urge to cough and the discharge from the nose. However, as with any product on the Internet, there are also some negatives Testimonials, which often also refer to the Ingredientslike alcohol or Paracetamol, aim and back this in a rather negative light. Some excerpts from experiences **, which should by no means be general:

“The product is definitely recommended. After a maximum of 3 applications, all complaints (such as aching limbs, runny nose or cough) are healed! I've already ordered more supplies! ”(WICK MediNight experience on medpex.de)

“The syrup quickly helps with cold symptoms. You feel better after a few days. The taste is terrible but what can you not do for your health! ”(WICK MediNight experiences on medpex.de)

“My partner always takes this cold syrup when a cold is looming or is already there. It has a supportive effect and helps you to feel more comfortable and to become healthy. ”(WICK MediNight experiences on medpex.de)

“Wick Medi Nait has been in our medicine cabinet for years. It works great for everyone in our family. Falling asleep quickly, fighting the symptoms works, getting a good night's sleep and thus starting the new day relatively relaxed. For me the means of choice to get a good night's sleep. To keep up the day, I would recommend other medications, such as Grippostad. ”(WICK MediNight experience on medpex.de)

More Wick Cold Products

Besides WICK MediNait There are many other products from WICK that also help fight a cold. Including WICK DayMed, which can be taken as a supplement to Wick MediNait, or the Wick Vaporub cold ointment. And there are also many other cold-relieving drugs in the Wick range.

WICK Day Med

WICK Day Med is a supplement to WICK Night and available as such in capsule form. The 3 active ingredients contained, paracetamol, phenylpropanolamine and dextromethorphan, alleviate six of the most common cold symptoms a day and do not make you tired, so that patients can continue their usual daily routine even after taking the drug. The capsules are for adults as well as for Suitable for children from the age of 12 yearsAlso because, unlike Wick MediNait, they are made without alcohol.

VICK cold

In addition to WICK Day Med and Wick Night, the manufacturer also has a number of other products on offer for relief from Cough & cold can contribute and most of them are even below the Wick MediNait * price. Including the one that is also extremely popular Wick Vaporub ointment, which is available at a price of around € 5, as well as a range of Cough drops in the most diverse flavorswhich, among other things, can contribute to the Throat irritation during a cold to suppress.

WICK Vaporub

The also extremely well-known and popular WICK Vaporub ointment is a cold ointment from Wick, which already from the age of 2 can be applied. This will before bedtime rubbed on the chest and back and promotes a peaceful and restful sleep, even for one acute cold. The active ingredients contained in the ointment, such as menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil, also alleviate the urge to cough and dissolve mucus on the bronchial tubes.

WICK MediNait wiki

In addition to a Wick MediNait test, a wide variety of information about the drug and its components can also be found on the Internet Wick MediNait wiki on Wikipedia. There you will find information about the ingredients or the side effects, among other things. Another possibility is to search through the many Wick MediNait experiences **, which can be found in a large number on the Internet.

WICK MediNait test - conclusion

We hope that in this article we have been able to give you a comprehensive overview of the Wick MediNait sleep aid, which will help you decide whether to buy the drug. You can also find more Wick MediNait experiences ** on the Internet, including in the Wick MediNait wiki under Wikipedia.

Advertising / reference links (*): The references marked with an asterisk (*) are so-called commission links. The page modernbalance.net participates in partner programs - more information on this in Imprint. If you click on such a reference link and shop via this link, we will receive a commission from your purchase. However, the price does not change for you.

Experiences and customer ratings (**) Disclaimer: The reviews and experiences with the products WICK MediNight / DayMed / Vaporup can vary from person to person and are not generally valid. It is recommended to see a doctor for a medical diagnosis.

Please note: It is possible to change product specifications, prices, delivery times and costs in the meantime. Therefore, in principle, all information in this regard is provided without guarantee.

1 Wick MediNait cold syrup for the night, ... Wick MediNait cold syrup for the night, ... *
  • Works against 6 cold symptoms: fever, headache, ...
  • In the case of colds, WICK MediNait promotes restful sleep. The...
2 WICK MediNait cold syrup 90 ml WICK MediNait Cold Syrup 90 ml *
3 WICK MediNait cold syrup for the night 90... WICK MediNait cold syrup for the night 90...*
  • contains a combination of several active ingredients
  • for the treatment of cold symptoms
  • Oral solution