As if it wasn't annoying enough that menopausal women experience sweating, insomnia, and irritability - another phenomenon that most people don't want is weight gain during menopause. If the woman enters menopause and eats exactly the same amount as before and does the same amount of exercise, it is quite possible that she will still gain weight. The reason for this: The basal metabolic rate drops, which means that women burn fewer calories during menopause. But how exactly is that explained? We already guessed it: like all symptoms during menopause, it has to do with hormones. Unfortunately, many women experience ** weight gain during menopause. But there are definitely ways to prevent this. Another interesting question: is there weight gain during menopause globules? And what other herbal remedies could help? (1)

Menopause Weight Gain Chest, Abdomen, and Buttocks - How Does It Come About?

The muscles consume a particularly large number of calories. And that is exactly the crux of the matter: The mass of the muscles decreases over time, and the fact that the body burns fewer calories during the menopause and stores the excess as fat makes it more difficult. Amazingly, the fat distribution pattern is now changing, as women otherwise tend to build up the fat on the hips and buttocks. Estrogen is a major contributor to weight gain during menopause. The excess of it decreases, instead the amount of progesterone, the male hormone, increases. That explains why the fat is now more likely to settle on the stomach, because it is exactly the same with men.

The corpus luteum hormone is also involved in weight gain during menopause.

In some cases, Hashimoto can also cause weight gain during menopause. This is an underactive thyroid. This is accompanied by symptoms such as depression, fatigue and hair loss.

Menopause Weight Gain: How Much Is Normal?

What is normal and what is not cannot be said in this way. With one woman it is only one or two kilograms, with the other the excess weight is more clearly reflected on the scales. This also has to do with what exactly the diet looks like and how much sport the person concerned does. Unfortunately, some women are now doing less sport than before, of all things Weight gain during menopause only supported more.

Menopause Weight Gain - What Helps? The 8 best tips

There are actually a few tips to help you gain weight during menopause. However, it is clear that from now on the body needs less energy than before.

1. Drink a lot

The best options here are water and unsweetened teas, i.e. drinks that have no calories. Anyone who drinks a lot ensures a certain feeling of satiety right from the start. So having a glass of water before you eat is not a bad idea.

2. Healthy food

Actually logical, but it cannot be repeated often enough: The menu should mainly consist of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes. So foods that have a low calorie density. Then it is not the amount of food that changes, but rather the type. Dehydrating foods are cucumber, asparagus, zucchini, annas and berries. The consumption of meat, sausage and cheese should be drastically reduced, instead it is better to switch to plant-based alternatives. Soy cream only has 10% fat, whereas normal cream has 30%. Instead of white flour, you should mainly put whole wheat flour on the table. The consumption of fat and sugar should generally be drastically reduced.

3. Do endurance sports and weight training

Endurance sports include, for example, hiking, walking, jogging, swimming, cycling and yoga. Weight training helps to strengthen the muscles and these in turn help burn fat.

4. Daily exercise!

Not only Exercise prevents weight gain, it is also important to incorporate a lot of movement into everyday life - climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator, getting off a bus stop earlier, etc.

5. Get enough sleep

A healthy lifestyle and adequate sleep are imperative right now during menopause. If there is a lack of sleep, the hormones are disturbed and the appetite can increase.

6. Menopause Weight Gain: TCM

The Traditional Chinese Medicinal Medicine has its own view of menopausal symptoms. It is recommended to eat small portions regularly, not to drink alcohol, not to smoke and to steam the food more often than to fry it.

7. Homeopathy for weight gain during menopause

Homöopathie is there for almost all ailments. also for those who occur during menopause: Hot flashes, irritability, chest tightness, difficulty sleeping, menstrual cramps, and weight gain. Complex remedies are best suited for those who are not very familiar with homeopathy. Otherwise, an experienced homeopath can advise which active ingredient is most suitable.

8. Schüssler salts

With Schüssler's salts, weight gain during menopause is similar to homeopathy: not everything helps everyone equally. It is worth reading a little deeper into the subject here. Basically, it is recommended to try salts number 7 (magnesium phopsphoirun) and number 8 (sodium chloratum).

In addition, there are purely herbal remedies to buy in pharmacies and on the Internet, which are supposed to combat all menopausal symptoms - including weight gain. This includes remifemin and femiloges.

However, caution is advised with monk's pepper. This medicinal plant is said to be used in various women’s ailments and Menopausal symptoms help, but according to the latest findings it is believed that chasteberry stimulates the appetite and increases water retention. That would be counterproductive in this case.

Hormones for weight gain in menopause

Hormone replacement therapy can help rebalance the hormone imbalance. Whether this is induced to prevent weight gain during menopause is questionable, as it is known to involve some risks and side effects. The attending physician can best inform about this and decide whether a Hormone replacement therapy is appropriate or not.

Menopause Weight Gain - How To Prevent It?

It often starts at the age of 40, because in younger years people usually lose weight faster and easier than later. The Weight gain during menopause actually only because of the two well-known factors: exercise and diet. In other words: exercise more and eat less high-calorie foods, instead lots of fruit and vegetables, which are naturally low in calories. Meat, sausage and dumplings should be served rarely or not at all, just as little as sweets, chips, cakes, margarine, butter or the like.

Menopause weight gain: lose weight on the abdomen

For many women, those pesky pounds tend to accumulate on the stomach. And once a tummy shows up, it becomes difficult to get rid of the fatty tissue. Explicitly losing weight on the stomach is silent anyway. Those who lose weight usually lose weight all over the body at the same time and not just in one specific area. With specific exercises for the abdominal muscles, however, the desire to reduce belly fat can be reducedcan also be realized - but only if less is eaten at the same time.



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