In many menopausal women, the spotting does not stop at first. Menopause marks the end of a woman's fertile life - but why do some women still have bleeding or spotting? There can be very different reasons for this. Menopause does not follow a pattern F. It often occurs in the course of menopause Spotting and abdominal pain and headache. It is quite normal that during menopause only spotting instead of your period is normal.

However, some women also complain of particularly heavy bleeding or their period starts again after a long break: Is that a cause for concern? Mostly not.

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The cycle and menstruation

During the menopause, it may well be that the bleeding is shorter, longer or heavier than usual. The length of the cycle can also shift. The times between bleeding are often longer, but sometimes shorter. During menopause, bleeding can occur every 3 weeks. Brief spotting or intermenstrual bleeding is also common. Irregularities are therefore quite normal, they are due to the hormonal changes and adjustments that the body is now going through. Menstrual cramps can also occur in different degrees.

Menopause bleeding from stress

It can be through a lot Stress bleeding occur during menopause? In fact, this happens again and again. Stress causes the cycle to fluctuate. Rest periods are important right now. Those affected should ensure a balanced, plant-based diet, exercise a lot and, if possible, practice relaxation techniques such as yoga.

Menopause bleeding: dark blood - cause for concern?

If the bleeding is dark red in color, this is not necessarily a cause for concern. Rather, it is a sign that estrogen levels are quite high. This phenomenon mostly occurs in the period just before menopause. Only in very young women could dark blood be a cause for concern. In a few cases, a dark red to purple coloration could be a sign of a fibroid. The bleeding is generally reddish to brownish in color. On the other hand, an infection can be present if the blood is orange or grayish in color. Even if new symptoms occur in connection with the bleeding, a doctor should be consulted to be on the safe side.

Menopause: Bleeding is particularly heavy

That the Bleeding during menopause being particularly strong or particularly weak is quite normal. Only if the strength becomes very stressful can the doctor use medication to ensure that the bleeding becomes lighter. As a rule, this is the case with hormonal agents. In exceptional cases, very heavy bleeding can also lead to anemia, but it does not necessarily have to be treated for this reason.

Menopause: bleeding or spotting after 3 years?

Menopause - how long will the bleeding then actually continue? Everything is possible! Some women get their bleeding again after 1 year during menopause, others even after 3 years. This is not necessarily a cause for concern. One then speaks of bleeding after the Menopause Ritual. Nevertheless, with a longer menstrual break of 2 or 3 years, it is not wrong to visit the gynecologist and have them clarify what exactly is behind it.

Menopause: bleeding despite the pill?

Also at the Taking the pill bleeding and spotting can occur from time to time. The reason for this lies in the hormonal change. Unfortunately, there can also be serious causes such as cervical or ovarian cancer, which is why it can sometimes be appropriate to ask the doctor.

Menopause: the bleeding does not stop

A clear sign of menopause: the bleeding becomes more irregular and eventually stops completely. But what if the bleeding continues during menopause? Or if there is a bleeding that just won't stop? If so, it could be menorrhagia. This is bleeding that has lasted more than 7 days. This can be quite stressful for the affected woman, even if menorrhagia as such is not dangerous. Nevertheless, the reason for an excessively long period should always be clarified by the doctor. Because the blood loss is particularly high, iron deficiency can occur.

That the Bleeding during menopause Keep coming back for months, if not years, is pretty normal. After all, as the name suggests, menopause can drag on for years. The question "Menopause - how long will spotting and bleeding continue?" so cannot be answered so easily - every woman and every body is different.

Menopause, menopause: the bleeding stops

When menopause is over, menopause occurs. This word is misleading because, strictly speaking, it is not a pause, but the end of the bleeding. It is only when there is actually no more bleeding that one speaks of menopause. The woman can definitely no longer get pregnant.

Natural remedies for bleeding and menopausal symptoms

Hormones don't always have to be the same when menopause is troubling. Herbal remedies like remifemin and femiloges can provide milder relief for various symptoms.

Spotting and Menopause Bleeding - Conclusion

It is quite normal for spotting and bleeding at varying intervals and intensities to continue during menopause. However, in order to definitely rule out the fact that fibroids, polyps or something completely different is behind them, the gynecologist should always be asked for safety's sake - even with unknown complaints.

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1 I'm still hot, it only comes in now ... I'm still hot, it only comes in now ... *
  • Toft Simonsen, Renée (Author)
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  • contains plant extracts
  • for menstrual cycle and menstrual problems
  • Oral tablets