If children or adolescents have stressful experiences, this can lead to a long-term trauma to lead. Even if there are no obvious symptoms, it's important to offer support and provide a professional trauma therapy .

Sensitive children in particular often have life with them post-traumatic stress disorder to fight that are harder and harder to deal with. In this post we would like to share with you the signs of trauma in children. We will also introduce you to various therapy methods that have proven to be effective in treating traumatized children.

1 The trauma within you: How the body overcomes the terror... The trauma in you: How the body deals with terror...*
  • The Trauma Within You: How the Body Holds the Fright and How We...
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2 Trauma - Evil demands loyalty Trauma - Evil demands loyalty*
  • Amazon Prime Video (video on demand)
  • Catalina Martin, Macarena Carrere, Dominga Bofill (Actor)
  • Lucio A. Rojas (director) - Lucio A. Rojas (writer)
3 Understanding, processing, overcoming trauma: A ... Understanding, processing, and overcoming trauma: A ... *
  • Reddemann, Luise (Author)

Traumatic Events & Causes of Trauma in Children

The causes of trauma in children can be varied. Especially in young children under one year of age, it is difficult to find out which experiences were so stressful for the child that they have become anchored in the brain as negative experiences and fear in the long term. The reasons here range from an abrupt, unforeseen one Separation from parents to Experienced violence, neglect or flight.

But also external influences like Natural disasters, wars, diseases, very loud noises or death of a family member are often traumatizing for children and difficult to accept. The processing of such traumatic memories can usually be supported by the loving care of the parents, so that no serious consequences have to remain from a traumatic experience. In more complicated cases, or when the child is not receiving emotional support, further steps should be taken to advance the child long-term psychological damage to protect.

Since trauma in children can have many triggers, it is important to watch the behavior closely. It comes to Stressful situations, the the Cause trauma, the symptoms are usually similar to those seen in adults in a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) demonstrate.

Symptoms of PTSD in Children

In the following we would like to offer you the common behaviors and symptoms name that children show with PTSD. It is important to mention that each individual deals with the processing of traumatic experiences differently. To protect your child from long-term traumatic memories, you should always consult a doctor if you are unsure - even if your child does not have any of the following symptoms.

Emotional numbness & avoidance behavior

The first signs of post-traumatic stress disorder appear a few weeks to a few months after the drastic experience. In many children, one first shows Avoidance behavior and a general one social isolationso as not to trigger the experience again.

It may be your child Anxieties shows that it didn't have before. The separation from the parents or confidants can suddenly become a real problem, just like sleeping in a dark room. Such fears often show up in situations in which your child comes into contact with the trauma, for example because they were in a similar situation at the time they experienced.

Besides avoidance and fear there is also that emotional numbness a typical sign of PTSD. In this case, the child most often becomes very calm, absent, or thoughtful. In such situations, children often have traumatic memories that they relive. In many cases, such behavior is associated with strong pessimism and an limited self-awareness tied together. Even learned skills can suddenly disappear.

Reliving in the "traumatic game"

In connection with PTSD in children, the "traumatic game". Here the children usually process what they have experienced completely subconsciously. This game affects adults unemotional or monotonous, as the children often repeat the same situations in the game, which may lead to a Relation to the traumatic event to have.

Usually this trauma-related gaming behavior can be clearly distinguished from “normal” gaming; it is less lively, the child looks lost in thought, is not having fun and is not looking for play partners or attention. This reliving and evoking traumatic memories does not only come to light while playing; even while reading, driving and even sleeping the experiences are repeatedly called into the child's subconscious.

Strong over-excitability & stress

In contrast to the emotional isolation and the quiet reliving of traumatic memories aggressive and stressed behavior of the child. Such symptoms are often directly related to the evocation and reliving of past traumatic memories.

If the child is very afraid because it was triggered by certain memories or external influences, it can become one increased heart rate, sweating, breathing quickly, or having panic attacks come. Outbursts of anger or strong crying are symptoms that occur when people are over-excited due to PTSD.

Trauma Therapy In Children: You Can Do It Yourself

If your child shows the slightest signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, the way to a psychologist is a necessary step to protect your child from long-term psychological damage! There are many Child and youth psychologistswho have favourited various Trauma Therapy Options offer at PTSD. In small steps, your child builds self-confidence and learns to talk about the past.

In coping with trauma is also the Support from legal guardians or trusted persons a must. Your child should learn to regain confidence and slowly Process stressful situations better.

Observe your child's behavior

PTSD is often noticed much later or not at all. Therefore, it is important that you closely monitor your child after experiencing traumatic experiences. Small Behavior changes can be a sign that your child's subconscious is busy processing a trauma.

Analyze in what situations You have an unusually strong emotional Foreclosure, fear, or aggressiveness can recognize. Such a behavior analysis often provides information about the causes, places or people who played a role during the trauma.

Talk to your child about their experiences

Depending on the age of the child, you shouldn't be afraid to talk about their experiences. A caregiver is often the first way to break open and deal with a trauma. Be sensitive to this and pay attention to your child's reactions. If there are unusual changes in behavior, this can be an indication of PTSD.

Always give your child a feeling of closeness and security. Instead of asking intrusive questions, be respectful without putting pressure on your child. Don't make them talk, just give them one Feeling of security and appreciation.

Practice separations & avoid trauma

Traumatization in children is often involved Breaches of trust together. Already a unpredictable separation to the parents can trigger a feeling of fear and loneliness, which can have long-term consequences. In order to preventively avoid traumatic experiences, you should not approach breakups too early and practice slowly. Even if your child seems to be coming to terms with the situation, they can Separation and survival fears anchor.

Successful trauma processing always includes psychological care. If you recognize trauma in children very early, see above the chances are goodthat experiences can be processed in the long term through professional treatments and therapies.

1 The trauma within you: How the body overcomes the terror... The trauma in you: How the body deals with terror...*
  • The Trauma Within You: How the Body Holds the Fright and How We...
  • Product type: ABIS_BOOK
  • Color: Yellow
2 Trauma - Evil demands loyalty Trauma - Evil demands loyalty*
  • Amazon Prime Video (video on demand)
  • Catalina Martin, Macarena Carrere, Dominga Bofill (Actor)
  • Lucio A. Rojas (director) - Lucio A. Rojas (writer)
3 Understanding, processing, overcoming trauma: A ... Understanding, processing, and overcoming trauma: A ... *
  • Reddemann, Luise (Author)