Especially now, when the hay fever season starts again, many people try in vain to find the perfect remedy for it. They keep trying new things and then desperate that it just won't get better and break out again. This article is about how the hay fever remedy DHU * can help you alleviate the symptoms or perhaps even help you so much that the symptoms no longer appear.

1 Hay fever remedy DHU 2 x 100 tablets Hay fever remedy DHU 2 x 100 tablets *
  • Homeopathic
  • For allergic rhinitis
  • 2 x PZN 8436903
2 DHU hay fever remedy - does not make you tired -... DHU hay fever remedy - does not make you tired -...*
  • Alleviates the typical symptoms of hay fever and year-round...
  • Quality - in the best tradition for 150 years
  • Active ingredients: Luffa operculata D4 (sponge cucumber), Galphimia glauca D3...
3 DHU hay fever remedy - does not make you tired -... DHU hay fever remedy - does not make you tired -...*
  • Alleviates the typical symptoms of hay fever and year-round...
  • Quality - in the best tradition for 150 years
  • Active ingredients: Luffa operculata D4 (sponge cucumber), Galphimia glauca D3...

Allergies and hay fever

The Hay fever remedy DHU not only helps against hay fever, but also against a number of allergies such as Pet hair allergies and House dust allergies. But let's first go into the subject of allergies a little. What actually is an allergy and how can the hay fever remedy DHU work against it? Allergies are actually just an overreaction of our immune system to normally harmless substances in our environment. Theoretically, all environmental substances can lead to an allergy, such as chemicals, cosmetics or pollen. A distinction is made between two types of allergies. The first type is that the allergens are airborne, such as pollen. The second type is that the allergy only occurs when something, such as the ingredients of, gets on your skin Cosmetics. And you can do exactly that with these two types Hay fever remedy DHU help alleviate these symptoms.

Hay fever remedy DHU effect

The Hay fever remedy DHU effect it's very easy. It works directly on the cause of the problem and brings the overreacting immune system back into balance. It stimulates this through the combination of three proven homeopathic active ingredients Immune system to reduce the defense against allergens. Bee pollen, animal hair or other allergic factors are then no longer viewed as threatening by the body. By using the hay fever remedy, you can avoid the allergic Overreaction weaken or even weaken so much that you no longer have problems with the symptoms.

Hay fever remedy DHU *

Hay fever remedy DHU dosage

Of course it is too Dosage an important factor and should not be underestimated. There is a reason why only a certain number of tablets are recommended. This tablet can be taken more or less depending on the symptoms. If you have severe complaints, it is advisable to speak out loud leaflet take one tablet every hour, but only up to six times a day. These Dosage is in the Pollen season recommended, before the start of the pollen season, it is recommended to take one tablet once a day, as the symptoms are not as severe there. If you feel better after a few days of taking it, you can reduce the dose. One tablet is recommended here once to three times a day. The dosage is different for children from 6 to 12 years of age and should also be adhered to for the benefit of your child. In children, you should not exceed a dose of 2/3 that of an adult.

Buy hay fever remedy DHU

If you do Buy hay fever remedy DHU want, but don't know where to get it, we can make it easier for you. You can buy the hay fever remedy DHU in any pharmacy. But it's not just on site Hay fever remedy DHU available, but also on the Internet. You can order the hay fever remedy online from all mail-order pharmacies. Pharmacies that ship the product are for example:, Sanicare and Medpex. 100 tablets are available for just € 16,40. So it shouldn't be a problem that you get the product.

Hay fever remedy DHU experiences

Here the spirits are very divided. Some think the product is great and have no more complaints afterwards, while for others it was exactly the opposite and it didn't help. Of course, this can always occur that of the active substance, which is contained in the product, does not react to the body and therefore has no effect. Most of the time, however, this is not the case. Most Reviews** of the product are very satisfactory and make a good and serious impression. Only sometimes there are a few reviews in between, which unfortunately did not help. Nevertheless, you should definitely test the hay fever remedy DHU to see if it works for you. It's a very good product and has helped the majority of users and led to the desired result.

Below are a few Testimonials listed, these are not complete but only excerpts from Basically are Hay fever remedy DHU experiences** like all experiences always individual and as such they should also be considered here.

“Initially, the product caused a great deal of disappointment. Still taken regularly and now, 3 years later, there has really been an improvement. I will continue to take it and would recommend it to people who can muster up patience ”(hay fever remedy DHU experiences on

“Although I am a type who works well on homeopathic preparations, this remedy unfortunately did not help me. the hay fever was there and annoying. I then took the chemical tablets again, which unfortunately make me very tired. a shame, but I think it is definitely worth a try. Everyone reacts differently to medication. ”(Hay fever remedy DHU experiences on

“It helped me a lot last year within 2-3 days. I was sneezing all the time, my nose was running, one nostril was closed, the other totally dry and painful. It was particularly bad for me in the morning and in the evening or when I went / came from inside to outside or from outside to inside. Unfortunately, my stomach did not tolerate the tablets as well and I got diarrhea after about 2 weeks. But I will take the tablets again this year because they are the only ones who help me and then ask the pharmacy whether they can recommend something for my stomach. ”(Hay fever remedy DHU experiences on

“I wanted to do without tablets that tire and that's why I chose this product. I am allergic to grass and rye pollen. I did a desensitization that gave me relief. I bought these tablets for "emergencies". One weekend it was so bad that I really had to take pills. Unfortunately I didn't notice any improvement. Whether I took the pills or not, nothing changed. The throat itchy, the eyes were reddened, I had to sneeze ... I cannot recommend these tablets. It's a shame, I would have liked to have relied on homeopathy. ”(Hay fever remedy DHU experiences on

Hay fever remedy DHU test

The Hay fever remedy DHU test is a test that is offered on the official website. Here you can test whether you simply have a cold or are allergic to something in particular. This test is intended to clarify whether the symptoms were caused by pollen or a cold virus. In this test, some questions are asked which you can only answer with yes or no. You will be asked whether the Symptoms only occur at certain times of the year or whether you experience itching in your eyes or on your palate, for example. If you have answered all 11 questions, you can now see your result and thus find out exactly where your symptoms are coming from.

Hay fever remedy DHU side effects

As with others Medicinal products can also use the drug, Hay fever remedy DHU side effects which, however, do not have to occur in everyone. However, compared to other products, this product has very little known side effects. In some cases, however, intolerance reactions can occur when taking the hay fever remedy due to the wheat starch. Reactions can be shown, for example, by skin rashes or stomach discomfort. If you experience these or any other side effects, you should see your doctor or pharmacist immediately. You can also report your complaints directly to the Federal Institute for drug and Medical Devices Report. This will help provide more information about the safety of this product.

Hay fever remedy DHU price

As already mentioned, the price of the product is € 100 for 16,40 tablets. However, you can buy not only the tablets, but also drops. You can get a 30ml mixture for € 9,90 and a 100ml mixture for € 22,90. All prices are very affordable for a product that helps you and your body. Depending on which health insurance company you are with, you will receive a reimbursement of costs. Some assume all or part of the costs. health insurance such as the BKK ProVita are already doing this. In the case of children under the age of 12, however, it does not matter which health insurance company you are with. The costs for pharmacy-only homeopathic medicines are always reimbursed for children under the age of 12, at least if they are prescribed by a doctor with health insurance. So just talk to your pediatrician about it.

Hay fever remedy DHU *

Hay fever remedy DHU ingredients

The ingredients of the Hay fever means DHU * are pretty simple. As mentioned earlier, there are three Hay fever remedy DHU ingredients. First of all, the active ingredient Luffa operculata D4 or also known as sponge cucumber. This plant is used specifically to combat acute, chronic or allergic rhinitis. Second, the active ingredient Galphimia glauca D3 or also known as the Little Laburnum. This shrub relieves allergic diseases of the mucous membranes and year-round allergic rhinitis. Third and last active substance do we have the cardiospermum halicacabum D3 or also known as heart seed and balloon vine. These plants are particularly effective in treating inflammatory-allergic diseases of the respiratory tract, for example hay fever. That was all the active ingredients that the tablet contains.

Hay fever remedy DHU drops

The Hay fever remedy DHU drops are structured exactly like the tablets. They have the same active ingredients, only the amount is of course different from a single one Tablet. With the drops, you have the advantage that you can buy this product in both a 30ml bottle and a 100ml bottle. This will allow you to satisfy your needs and, depending on how severe your symptoms are, decide how much you need. The mixture was mixed with purified water. In contrast to the tablets, however, the drops still contain 22% alcohol by volume and are therefore not suitable for children under 12 years of age.

Hay fever remedy DHU intake

The Hay fever remedy DHU intake is, as usual with other tablets and drops, very simple and straightforward. Let's start with the tablets. Here you should take the tablets either half an hour before eating or half an hour after eating to ensure the desired effect. You should also let the tablet dissolve slowly in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing it all the way down. Both Drops this is a little different from the tablets. Like the tablets should you get the Drops Take half an hour before meals or half an hour after meals. Again, you should let the drops work in the mouth for a few seconds before swallowing to get the desired effect. You can of course dilute the drops with water beforehand to neutralize the taste. That's all you need to know about taking it.

Hay fever remedy DHU children

The Hay fever remedy can also be used by children. However, you should only take the tablets, as the drops contain alcohol. Other drugs have side effects such as tiredness or even dizziness, which you do not want to give your child. But most children and adolescents can no longer counteract it without medication and urgently need something to help them. That Hay fever remedy DHU does not make you tired or make you feel dizzy, so that your children can now go about their leisure activities or school activities better again.

Hay fever remedy DHU drop dosage

The dosage of the drops is of course a little different than for the tablets. at adults and children 12 years and older should be given 5 drops once a day before the start of the pollen season. If the symptoms persist and get worse, you should increase the dose and take 5 drops every hour, but only up to six times a day. If the symptoms have gotten better, you can now also reduce the dosage a little. Now 5 drops should be taken one to three times a day. Since children under 12 only have the tablets should take, accordingly no dosage recommendation is included for children under 12 years of age.

Hay fever remedy DHU *

Hay fever remedy DHU drops experiences

In contrast to the tablets, where sometimes bad Reviews were there, the drops are a little more popular. You see a lot more positive reviews and hardly any bad reviews. Many customers are very happy with the drops and say that the Drops act quickly and reliably. Besides, the Taste the alcohol in the diluted water is not as bad as you actually think and is therefore highly recommended by many customers.

Other hay fever remedies are for example Pollival, Pollicrome, MometaHEXAL or Mom allerg.

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Experiences and customer ratings (**) Disclaimer: The reviews and experiences with the product DHU hay fever remedy can vary from person to person and are not universally valid. It is recommended to see a doctor for a medical diagnosis.

Please note: It is possible to change product specifications, prices, delivery times and costs in the meantime. Therefore, in principle, all information in this regard is provided without guarantee.

All information comes from the following text sources:

1 Hay fever remedy DHU 2 x 100 tablets Hay fever remedy DHU 2 x 100 tablets *
  • Homeopathic
  • For allergic rhinitis
  • 2 x PZN 8436903
2 DHU hay fever remedy - does not make you tired -... DHU hay fever remedy - does not make you tired -...*
  • Alleviates the typical symptoms of hay fever and year-round...
  • Quality - in the best tradition for 150 years
  • Active ingredients: Luffa operculata D4 (sponge cucumber), Galphimia glauca D3...
3 DHU hay fever remedy - does not make you tired -... DHU hay fever remedy - does not make you tired -...*
  • Alleviates the typical symptoms of hay fever and year-round...
  • Quality - in the best tradition for 150 years
  • Active ingredients: Luffa operculata D4 (sponge cucumber), Galphimia glauca D3...