Hot tea, chicken soup and a good book - sounds good, but nobody wants it. Today there is a lot of information about the flu that is worth knowing, how you can best survive it and what you can do to protect yourself from the flu.

According to the Robert Koch Institute, the 2018 flu has peaked. It is estimated that nearly 1000 people attend the Consequences of the flu died. Terrifying when you read these lines. Not quite like that again in the following years violent flu waves To have to experience, here are some tips for everyday life and background information about the flu.

1 Polonord Adeste - 5 Kit COVID-19 and Influenza A/B... Polonord Adeste - 5 Kit COVID-19 and Influenza A/B...*
2 Les Virus de La Grippe: Petit Guide Intéressant ... Les Virus de La Grippe: Petit Guide Intéressant ... *
  • Micro-Science (Author)
3 Influenza: The Hunt for the Virus Influenza: The Hunt for the Virus *
  • Kolata, Gina (Author)

Where do the terms “influenza” and “flu” come from?

The exact Influenza definition comes from the 18th century and means something like "influence" or "influence". In the case of the flu, the influence of the stars was meant. Certain star constellations were believed to cause diseases and epidemics. The word "flu" was used for many people back then Epidemics second hand.

The word "flu" comes from the French and means something like "mood". This word was probably used for the flu because the illness affects people suddenly and very capriciously.

This is not to be confused Flu influenza With a cold or a flu-like effect. The influenza, which this article is about today, is much more serious and should be checked by the doctor. You can often tell whether you have the flu or a cold from the fact that a cold occurs slowly and with individual complaints. With the virus flu, you suddenly get a fever and feel sick and exhausted "from now on".

How do you get the flu?

The viral disease is transmitted through droplets. This means that when someone sneezes, speaks or coughs, viruses are transmitted by a sick person. on Surfaces the viruses settle and pass on to another person when they are touched. It is also possible that the droplets get directly into someone else's mouth, for example when kissing. risk of infection exists especially where many people to stay. In Waiting rooms, shared workplaces, Shopping malls or in the U-Bahn. When you touch doorknobs, handrails or other objects, the viruses get on your own hands and are passed on to the respiratory tract if they are careless. The latter can happen if you forget to wash your hands before eating.

The flu course

In about one to four days after the infection, the affected person is suddenly surprised with Influenza B virus symptoms. fever, Head- and Body aches, and Exhaustion occur. In addition, severe exhaustion spreads. A dry, tickly cough, sudden sweats and a sore throat are very typical. The flu usually subsides in about a week. If another infection occurs, it is possible that the flu symptoms will persist for weeks.

When more infections In addition, or even the dreaded complications such as pneumonia occur, the course of the flu can change drastically. Inflammation of the middle ear, heart muscle or brain can give the flu a whole new face and suddenly become very dangerous. It is therefore very important that you see a doctor if you have the flu to avoid complications. Especially if you have serious pre-existing illnesses and a weak immune system, it is important to always have the flu monitored by a doctor. The same applies to pregnant women and small children, as in these cases the body may not be able to protect itself from serious consequences.

The flu treatment

The flu virus is always different. Due to the constantly changing nature of the culprit, it is almost impossible to cook a secret recipe and get rid of all the flu symptoms. Nonetheless, it is possible to fight the cold or the flu epidemic. If the influenza virus is bacterial, meaning you have an actual flu, your doctor will give you one antibiotic prescribe. This is not to be confused with a cold, which an antibiotic cannot fight. In addition to taking an antibiotic, it is possible that you are having the flu symptoms alternative drugs or well-proven home remedies soothing. Influenza treatment, however, is primarily carried out by taking antibiotics, as bacteria cannot be fought by alternative means.

Flu medication

In addition to flu treatment with antibiotics, flu medications can relieve symptoms:

  • Pain relievers for fever and headache: To get a few hours of rest and sleep, you can take paracetamol, iboprofen, or aspirin for the pain. Always make sure that you keep the necessary distance between drugs.
  • Cough suppressants or cough removers: If you have a dry, tickly cough, you can take a cough suppressant. That'll give you rest for the night. If you have a slimy cough with sputum, the cough remover helps to cough up the secretion.
  • Painkillers for a sore throat: Sore throat tablets, lozenges such as GeloRevoice Throat tablets or salt for rinsing are offered in the pharmacy. These remedies are designed to relieve pain in the throat and regenerate the mucous membranes in the airways.
  • Cold tablets: So-called combination preparations can simultaneously relieve pain and clear the nose and airways. Experience has shown that these remedies do not always help very consistently in every relationship, as they are intended to combat all symptoms at once.
  • Nasal spray: In order to be able to breathe freely again, but also to prevent otitis media, you should do it moderately and temporarily nasal spray use when your nose is blocked.

Very popular anti-flu drugs are Grippostad C (helps against colds, body aches, fever and dry cough), Bronchipret (for cough and bronchitis),

Home remedies for flu

Bed rest, a good indoor climate, soothing teas and chicken soup - if you have influenza, you will probably have been put to bed by your grandmother as a child. Even if home remedies cannot completely eliminate the flu and are not scientifically proven, we simply feel better. Beneficial Relief of pain suits everyone during influenza. Therefore, here are some classic home remedies that you are welcome to try:

  • Calf wrap for fever: To reduce the fever, you can wrap damp towels around your calves. The wet towel should be room temperature. Wrap a dry towel on the wet towel and lie down quietly for 15 minutes. Caution: If you have a fever, you should refrain from hot treatments, e.g. B. do without baths or the sauna
  • Potato wraps for coughs and sore throats: To do this, boil 3 potatoes and crush them on a towel with a fork. Wrap the towel like a flat package so that the potatoes don't fall out. Place the towel on your neck or chest. Make sure that you keep warm after the treatment and that no cold drafts hit you. Caution: Do not burn yourself on the hot potatoes and only place potatoes on your body at temperatures that are comfortable for you to avoid burns.
  • Eucalyptus or peppermint oil for coughs: Oil, which you smear on your chest, is very beneficial when you have an urge to cough. To increase the effect, you can ask someone to massage the oil on your back as well.
  • Drink hot tea: Ginger tea is said to relieve pain, chamomile has anti-inflammatory effects and elderflower tea makes you sweat. If you don't like tea at all, try a hot lemon. That at least warms you up from the inside and donates a lot of vitamins.
  • Inhale steam baths: You can inhale vapors to ease the cough and moisten the mucous membranes. Not everyone has an inhaler at home. Therefore, you can fill a large bowl with steaming hot water, put a towel over your head and inhale the steam. Essential oils such as sage and eucalyptus, which you can add to the water, are very pleasant. Warning: never leave the bowl unattended and be careful with the hot water!
  • Gargle if you have difficulty swallowing: You can use this tried and tested method several times a day to disinfect the throat, inhibit inflammation and moisten the mucous membranes. To do this, boil about 300-400 milliliters of water with a teaspoon of normal table salt.

General tips for flu:

If you have a real flu, you should definitely see a doctor first. And then it’s all the rage. Because that is not to be trifled with - a real flu can severe consequences have when you suppress them. So: first see a doctor and then rest is the order of the day. Sleep a lot and stay in bed throughout the day. Stress and you should avoid work now. Besides, you should a lot of drinking (preferably water, tea or even fruit juices) and Vitamins take to you. You can do this very well with fruits and vegetables or other vitamin-rich foods.

How can you minimize the risk of infection?

The flu incubation period is a few hours to three days. It may well be that this time is not noticed, but is already contagious. You can develop an open ear and an eye for where potential risks of infection can lurk and counteract them:

  • If possible, stay away from waiting rooms during the flu epidemic.
  • In public institutions you should be careful not to touch any objects if possible. This is not always possible, so make sure you never bring your hands to your mouth or your face in general. You could have bacteria on your hands that you pass into your airways. Before you eat, blow your nose or that Shine Hair and Beard Oil right, you should wash your hands. This is how you avoid the direct one Transmission of bacteria.
  • Always clean your nose with a disposable handkerchief and throw it away immediately after use. Handkerchiefs that are left lying around transfer the bacteria they contain to the Surfaces.
  • Always drink from your personal mug or glass. This prevents you from infecting other people's bacteria stuck there.
  • For prophylaxis you can Echinacea The herbal active ingredient is said to have immune-stimulating properties and arm you with defenses against the flu wave.


How long has the flu been contagious?

Once the influenza has broken out (the flu incubation period), you are contagious for three to five days. Children can even carry and pass on the virus for more than a week.

Influenza vaccination

The STICK (Standing Vaccination Commission) recommends the Flu shot especially for those groups of people who are at increased risk for influenza flu Secondary diseases to have. These include

  • all people 60+,
  • Residents of nursing and old people's homes,
  • Pregnant women from the second trimester,
  • as well as all that one chronic disease These include metabolic diseases, congenital diseases, disorders of the immune system, HIV infection, diseases of the respiratory organs (e.g. asthma) etc.
  • Should you deal with sick people in your work environment (e.g. belong to the nursing staff)
  • or have people in your immediate circle of friends or family who are at increased risk of complications, you should get the flu vaccination to protect them.
  • In addition, the flu vaccination is recommended if you travel a lot to distant countries.

The flu virus comes in different types. Pathogens are divided into the types Influenza A & B and Influenza C. For the seasonal flu Influenza a & b viruses are particularly relevant. Type A in particular is dangerous and common worldwide. Unfortunately, the virus is constantly changing, so that a single flu vaccination is not possible. At a Flu shot it is so that you are adequately protected for the entire flu season. Because of the unfortunately constantly changing nature of the virus flu, you should have another one in the next season or next year Influenza vaccination to be prepared for the then current virus.

The influenza test

The influenza test is a relatively new method on the market. With the influenza test you can find out for yourself whether you have a cold or flu. Because often the flu symptoms are not clear. So far, the influenza test has only been carried out by a doctor. What is new is that patients can buy the influenza test in the pharmacy (available from around 15 euros) and carry it out independently at home. However, experts (2) advise against the influenza test, as it could possibly be flawed. Because in the case of an actual flu, you belong in medical care. However, if you cannot clearly interpret the flu symptoms and want to do a self-test, you should consult a doctor if the symptoms are more severe or persistent.

Conclusion on the influenza virus

A flu epidemic doesn't have to be, but it can be dangerous. It is therefore important that we learn whether we are at one Flu or cold are sick. It is extremely important to get a prescription for flu medication from a doctor. if Flu medication If used by the doctor, flu remedies from the household can also alleviate the flu & influenza symptoms. In addition to flu medication, it's important to get plenty of sleep and give your body time to regenerate. Besides, you should drink a lot and Stress avoid. As the flu virus is constantly changing, you need to have your flu vaccination refreshed every season ahead.


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1 Polonord Adeste - 5 Kit COVID-19 and Influenza A/B... Polonord Adeste - 5 Kit COVID-19 and Influenza A/B...*
2 Les Virus de La Grippe: Petit Guide Intéressant ... Les Virus de La Grippe: Petit Guide Intéressant ... *
  • Micro-Science (Author)
3 Influenza: The Hunt for the Virus Influenza: The Hunt for the Virus *
  • Kolata, Gina (Author)