Proper dental care is extremely important important for the health of the body. Common dental problems are, for example, caries or periodontitis. With the right oral hygiene, you can take active action against these problems.

Teeth are very important because you use them to chew your meals. But how to take proper care of your most important tool? The following tips will help you keep your teeth healthy.

Have your teeth professionally cleaned regularly

Usually you have to as an adult check-up once a year do at the dentist. Children from the age of six must make an appointment with the dentist twice a year. After all, a child's teeth are not yet fully developed.

The Dentist in Dusseldorf looks at your teeth and advises you if you have a question about proper dental care. A The dentist checks whether the dental care has been carried out correctly. But a dentist's job also includes consultations, drilling and grinding teeth, performing root canal treatment and inserting braces.

Is professional teeth cleaning necessary?

Depending on the condition of the teeth professional teeth cleaning recommended once or twice a year. With professional tooth cleaning a basic cleaning of the teeth is carried out. The basic cleaning is carried out by a trained dental staff.

Professional tooth cleaning is recommended especially for smokers, poor oral hygiene, implants or certain general diseases. With such a cleaning hard-to-reach areas can also be cleaned, so that the gums and teeth are less susceptible to tooth decay and other dental diseases.

Teeth cleaning white teeth

Important tips for proper dental care

The Teeth and gums need to be cared for. With the right dental care, it is possible to thoroughly clean your mouth. After all, you can only keep your own teeth in old age if you have healthy teeth.

Even simple basics can help to support you in your regular dental hygiene. However, the simple basics do not mean the right technique or toothbrush. Rather, it is about the right diet.

If you regularly consume sugary foods, you promote the formation of plaque and Caries. If, on the other hand, you eat healthily, you can even strengthen the tooth enamel and contribute to the promotion of the gums. Lots of vegetables and dairy products are ideal if you value healthy teeth.

Auch a high fluid intake makes sense, because the water washes away the plaque-causing bacteria.

Use proper dental care technique

When it comes to proper dental care, it goes without saying that the correct dental care technique is also important. With the right method are twice a day two to three minutes after eating is perfectly sufficient. The circular brushing method is the classic variant that is taught to you from an early age.

With this method you have to make small, slightly circular brush strokesto clean your teeth as thoroughly as possible. But there are other brushing methods for clean teeth and healthy gums. The Stillman brush method is recommended to remove plaque above the gum line.

This method is also suitable if you suffer from gingivitis. For the correct application you have to place the bristles half on the gums and half on the tooth surface. To gently remove plaque, short, light horizontal movements are performed.

If there is plaque below the gum line, the teeth can be cleaned with the Bass method. A good method for patients with periodontitis. The important thing about this method is that you work with light pressure and vibrating movements.

The bristles lie below the gum line in order to achieve a maximum cleaning effect. The disadvantage is that only small groups of teeth can be treated. If you have orthodontic braces, you can use the charter method.

The bristles are attached below the gum line. This achieves a maximum cleaning effect. It is impractical to use this method only allows a small group of teeth to be treated.

The charter method is primarily intended for those who have braces. This method is primarily designed to remove plaque from the brackets and archwire. If you have no idea which dental care technique is right for you, you can go to the pharmacy or contact a dentist you trust.

Use dental floss and mouthwash for thorough oral hygiene

Anyone who uses an antiseptic mouthwash kills unwanted bacteria. At the same time, the breath is always kept fresh. After brushing your teeth, you must use the mouthwash.

Dental floss is another product that should not be ignored in regular dental care. With dental floss you can easily prevent periodontal diseases. In adults, this disease is one of the main reasons why teeth fall out in old age.

For this reason, proper dental care is very important if you want to keep your bright smile. Also the Tongue should not be neglected in proper oral hygiene. Countless bacteria enter our mouths every day.

You don't see them, but they are there. For this reason one must also clean the tongue daily. Namely, bacteria are also responsible for caries or dental plaque.

Cleaning your tongue removes bacteria and freshens your breath. The tongue is cleaned preferably once a day after brushing your teeth. There are different ways to clean the tongue.

For cleaning you can use either the toothbrush or a tongue scraper.

Manual or electric toothbrush – the best choice

As a rule, electric toothbrushes should be preferred to a normal manual toothbrush. With the same amount of time The electric toothbrush is supposed to deliver better results. Which means teeth feel smooth and discolouration is reduced.

In addition, the electric toothbrushes have a timer that indicates the exact cleaning time. Also a Control mechanism ensures a bright smile, because if the cleaning pressure is too high, the toothbrush is automatically stopped.


Dental hygiene should be a priority for everyone. After all, the first thing you look at is a person's face, so their teeth should be shiny and well-groomed. In addition to various dental care techniques the choice of toothbrush also contributes to proper dental care.

Regular visits to the dentist are an additional factor and should be taken care of by everyone. Whether teeth, gums or jaw: The overall health of the oral area is very important. If you want to create a snapshot of the current state of the jaw, you can use your create your own digital dental impressionby using a home kit.

With the right dental hygiene, you can ensure that you can keep your own teeth into old age. Eventually will Discolouration and bacteria are removed with proper dental hygiene. At the same time, you can look forward to a radiant smile. Professional tooth cleaning also contributes to the health of the teeth.