Our intestines are constantly in action. We usually pay far too little attention to intestinal problems and acidosis. But that can happen quickly with today's diet. Because a balanced diet is essential for keeping the intestines healthy. Far too often, however, we eat fast food, too much sugar and too much fat. At some point, at least that's what naturopathic medicine says, the intestine is no longer able to excrete all the pollutants that have accumulated in it. Over the course of time, excrement residues also accumulate more and more on the inner walls of the intestines. When you consider that around 80% of our immune system is controlled by our intestines, it quickly becomes clear that we are not doing well when our intestines are not doing well. Fatigue, headaches or gastrointestinal problems can occur.

Then colon cleansing is said to be a helpful toolto get the organism going again. By detoxifying the Microbiome recover again. But how do you carry out a colon cleansing regimen? What to pay attention to? Are there colon cleansing recipes? Does it have to be an enema or is it possible to clean the colon with Glauber's salt? Are there any dangers in intestinal cleansing?

1 Casa Sana colon cleansing, 1000 ml - gentle and... Casa Sana colon cleansing, 1000 ml - gentle and...*
  • colon cleansing
  • Effective microorganisms
  • Herbal concentrate
2 colon cleansing The original according to Dr. medical fx... colon cleansing The original according to Dr. medical FX...*
  • Rauch, Erich (Author)
3 SIMPLE CLEAN - 4-week intestinal cure - intestinal cleansing in... SIMPLE CLEAN - 4-week intestinal cure - intestinal cleansing in...*
  • UNCOMPLICATED: Simple Clean contains all important components ....
  • EASY TO USE: No cumbersome dosing and no big ...
  • EFFECTIVE EFFECT: The three components psyllium husks, bentonite and ...

Colon Cleansing - How and Why?

Cleansing the intestine enables or simplifies the process of excreting remains of faeces that have stuck to it. The intestines are literally "cleaned up" and thus also detoxified. There are many ways to cleanse the colon. Probably everyone has heard of an enema to cleanse the colon, but also Glauber's salt, castor oil or Flohsamenschalen can have a supportive effect.

After consulting the doctor, there is no problem with one Colon cleansing at home .

Natural colon cleansing - home remedies for colon cleansing

There are many natural colon cleansing agents. For example, psyllium husks are the absolute front runner in this regard.

1. Psyllium husks

Psyllium husks have very similar properties to flaxseed: they swell in the intestine and also contain many digestive substances. By swelling, they loosen the deposits on the inner wall of the intestine and also stimulate intestinal activity. Deposits can thus be excreted better and faster. For colon cleansing, 40 grams of psyllium should be dissolved in water daily and taken daily, ideally one hour before or 2 hours after the meal.

2. Epsom salt or Glauber's salt

These salts bind the fluid in the intestines and make the stool softer. The volume of the intestinal contents is increased and the intestinal activity is stimulated. However, it can take a few hours for an effect to be felt. After drinking the Epsom salt water mixture, you should drink the same amount of water or tea. Unfortunately, the taste of Epsom salt and Glauber's salt is anything but pleasant.

3. Intestinal cleansing with castor oil

Castor oil is certainly one of the most famous Home remedies for colon cleansing. However, you should not take more than 2 tablespoons of it. The castor oil inhibits the absorption of sodium from the water and increases the volume of the stool. the Colon cleansing with castor oil usually takes place 2 to 8 hours after ingestion. The taste, however, takes a lot of getting used to. Alternatively there is also Castor oil capsules from the pharmacy.

4. Colon cleansing with healing clay

Auch Healing clay can be used for colon cleansing be used. For this, a teaspoon of healing earth must be dissolved in warm water and drunk three times a day. This remedy is cheap and effective. It is rich in minerals and is available in supermarkets as well as in drugstores and pharmacies.

5. Colon cleansing with sulfur

To Colon cleansing with sulfur should be consumed three times a day with each meal, pharmaceutically pure, inorganic sulfur. The intestinal activity is stimulated, often noticeable through the occurrence of flatulence.

6. Colon cleansing with sauerkraut juice

The fact that sauerkraut has a laxative effect is no secret. That's why Sauerkraut juice also perfect for colon cleansing suitable and is often taken during a therapeutic fasting cure.

Another remedy that can help with colon cleansing is the Amazon colon cleansing, which can be bought on the Internet. It consists of herbs from the rainforest and is supposed to help the intestine to detoxify and get rid of unnecessary waste products.
In general, the Colon cleansing tests but found that the home remedies mentioned are absolutely sufficient to achieve an intensive cleansing of the intestines.

Therapeutic fasting and colon cleansing

Anyone who goes on a therapeutic fasting cure will usually do a colon cleanse beforehand or at the same time in order to support the effect. You can do without it, but it is generally recommended when fasting to cleanse the bowel right at the beginning.

Colon Cleansing - Which Food & Which Diet?

In addition to the aforementioned measures to cleanse the intestines, food also plays a role. The more basic and the more complete the food, the better. Base-forming foods include vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grain products. Plants that contain bitter substances are also a good choice for colon cleansing.

Colon cleansing - is colon cleansing also suitable for children?

Generally one is Colon cleansing also possible in children, because the little ones never suffer from digestive problems either. In this case, however, it is advisable to ask the pediatrician or get advice from the pharmacy.

Is Colon Cleansing Dangerous?

If you want to be on the safe side, you should consult your doctor before cleaning your colon. However, conventional medicine sees intestinal cleansing and detoxification in general rather critically.

In fact, if done properly, colon cleansing is not dangerous, but detoxification can cause side effects such as headaches, blemishes, constipation, bad breath or increased sweating.

Colon cleansing conclusion

Colon cleansing can help bring the bowel back into balance, but it is controversial in conventional medicine. In addition to colon cleansing, it is important that you switch back to normal, unhealthy food afterwards, but that a change in diet takes place as soon as possible. A balanced diet is basically also the basis for a healthy intestine and an alkaline diet is a good prevention against over-acidification of the body. With the colon cleansing weight lose you can't, by the way. This also includes a permanent change in diet.

In general, regardless of the type of colon cleansing, you should drink a lot of water and tea during this time.

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1 Casa Sana colon cleansing, 1000 ml - gentle and... Casa Sana colon cleansing, 1000 ml - gentle and...*
  • colon cleansing
  • Effective microorganisms
  • Herbal concentrate
2 colon cleansing The original according to Dr. medical fx... colon cleansing The original according to Dr. medical FX...*
  • Rauch, Erich (Author)
3 SIMPLE CLEAN - 4-week intestinal cure - intestinal cleansing in... SIMPLE CLEAN - 4-week intestinal cure - intestinal cleansing in...*
  • UNCOMPLICATED: Simple Clean contains all important components ....
  • EASY TO USE: No cumbersome dosing and no big ...
  • EFFECTIVE EFFECT: The three components psyllium husks, bentonite and ...