CBD oils are becoming more and more popular in modern medicine and are increasingly being used. This is due to the effectiveness of the cannabis oil, which is used for different purposes. However, for beginners and novices, CBD potency can be confusing as there is a wide variety.

There are CBD oils with a concentration of 3%5%10%15%20%30% and 40%. In between you can find other products. The problem with this is that the background to concentration is not clear to many.

Compounding the problem is that some CBD oils list this concentration in mg rather than percentage. Of course, for those new to the field, this adds even more confusion. Then the question arises: Which concentration is really the right one?

CBD Oils: The Differences in CBD Concentration Explained

Basically should Beginners are more likely to choose a low concentration to start with. CBD is very strong, which is why the body has to get used to it first. After some time, a certain tolerance develops, so that even higher concentrations are digestible.

Although there is a strong effect, CBD does not work immediately and especially not for acute complaints. It's more of a impact process, which stretches over several weeks. The dosage, which must be individually adjusted, is particularly important.

This brings up the important question: How do the CBD concentrations differ? In principle it does no difference for the effect, how high the CBD concentration in the oil is. It Ultimately regulates only the dosage needed for the effect is.

Example: A beginner wants to use CBD oil to to relieve pain. To begin with, this person takes two drops of a 5% CBD oil and drip it under the tongue. Dripping under the tongue is important because the CBD can enter the bloodstream directly through the oral mucosa and the effect can develop better.

For the first week, this person does not experience pain relief. So she increases the dosage four drops a day. Instead of four drops a day of a 5% CBD oil to take, she could just as well two drops of a CBD oil with a concentration of 10% to take. And that's exactly the difference in the concentrations.

It is also important that the different CBD oils should come from the same manufacturer. There are certain differences between the individual product lines of the manufacturers, which means that the effect can also be different.

The benefits of having the right concentration of CBD in the oil

The advantages differ on the one hand in the Effect,  wholesomeness and on the other financially. For example, if you need a low dosage, you can determine it much better with CBD oils with 3%, 5% or 10%. It is remarkably easier for this person to tell the difference between two or three drops.

Conversely, people who need high dosages can save a lot of money with CBD oils with a high CBD concentration. Instead of using a 10% CBD oil, which requires 20 drops a day, you can use a 40% CBD oil, which requires 5 drops a day.

In addition, it is much more relaxed if only a few drops are needed daily. On the one hand, this saves time and, on the other hand, the taste is not for everyone.

Determination of the appropriate concentration and dosage

Unfortunately, it is not possible to say in general how high the dosage of the respective CBD concentration in the CBD oil has to be in order to achieve an effect. Especially since the recommended dosage for the cause differs: For example, a lower dose is recommended for pain relief than is the case when used against depression.

Doctors who are familiar with CBD oils can help, but ultimately the optimal dosage must be determined by yourself. The best way to do this is to try it out. Initially a low dose with low CBD concentration. If that doesn't work, increase the dosage. If this also has no effect, another CBD oil with a higher concentration should be used.

CBD Oil 10%: The perfect middle

CBD oils with 10% are recommended for both beginners and experienced CBD users. With them, the dosage can be regulated best and it is also very well tolerated. The CBD concentration is neither too high nor too low, hitting the perfect middle.

Most of the products on the market are also made for this concentration of CBD. For example, we recommend webelieve’s CBD Mouth Oil 10%, available at this link: https://webelieve.de/shop/aromaoel/cbd-oele/cbd-aromaoel-10-webelieve/. It consists of the best organic hemp, is 100% natural and sustainable.

And finally ...

Although CBD oils are now a very widespread topic, most people are not familiar with the different concentrations. Ultimately, the CBD concentration in the oil only determines how high the dosage must be. Beginners should start with a low dosage of a CBD oil with a low concentration of CBD to find their optimal dosage.