Sleep is essential for a functioning person. Regulated sleeping times in which we can rest undisturbed are part of a healthy lifestyle. Depending on the life situation, the sleep rhythm can be mixed up, making falling asleep difficult. Is it possible to fall asleep shorter thanks to the Sleep Spray from BRAINEFFECT *? (Advertisement)

The stories of superheroes and their two lives - the normal employee in the office by day and the protector of the city at night - give the impression that anyone could manage Top performance bring around the clock. Stories are just stories, however. Even a superhero couldn't function properly without sleep. Or else he would be powerless and listless. In order to be in a better mood, look fresher and get through the working day productively, sleep is essential. Young people in particular think they can do without sleep. However, some pass sleepless nights At the desk, at concerts or while traveling, the ability to concentrate slowly becomes slower. The more irregular the Sleep times of our everyday lives, the harder it is to fall asleep. Shift workers therefore not infrequently complain about their plight: the constantly changing working hours mess up the daily rhythm so that the body can no longer interpret it. It often happens that you come home from work in the morning exhausted, but can't sleep in bed. So falling asleep can be a challenge. thanks to BRAINEFFECT Sleep Spray * should shorten the time to fall asleep and the tired find restful sleep. Is this possible?

  • ✔ YOUR HELP AGAINST SLEEPLESS NIGHTS (1) - Sleep better! With...
  • ✔ FOR AN EFFECTIVE BED ROUTINE - For night owls and...
  • ✔ SPRAY BOTTLE FOR PERFECT DOSING - The handy size...
2 BRAINEFFECT SLEEP GUMMIES (2x 30 Gummies) -... BRAINEFFECT SLEEP GUMMIES (2x 30 gummies) -...*
  • ✔ SNACKING SUGAR-FREE IN THE SLEEP - In the delicious gummies the ...
  • ✔ SLEEP GUMMY BEARS FOR FASTER DEEP SLEEP - With melatonin for...
  • ✔ PERFECT DOSAGE OF MELANTONIN - Suitable as an alternative to...
3 Vihado Melatonin Spray - Premium: Up to 5 times... Vihado Melatonin Spray - Premium: Up to 5 times...*
  • Value for money: melatonin spray long-term supply for 180 sprays...
  • Highly dosed: Only 1 spray a day for 0,5 mg melatonin! Other...
  • Advanced expert formula: With vitamin B6 and lavender for a...

Importance of falling asleep

In order to be fully efficient, the body must draw a certain amount of rest. For this we have to go through the essential four sleep phases: The falling asleep phase, light sleep phase, deep sleep phases and the dream or REM sleep phase. For restful sleep is the Sleep phase of major importance.

The state in which we move back and forth between being awake and sleeping is called the falling asleep phase. We try to leave worries and the impressions of the day behind us and to calm down. At this stage, the heart rate, breathing, and brainwave activity slow down. As soon as we pass on nocturnal perceptions to the hypothalamus (pituitary gland), the pineal gland begins to do the Sleep hormone melatonin to produce. Unlike the waking up phase, the falling asleep phase happens unconsciously. It is used to fall asleep unnoticed and thus to detach yourself from thoughts. In order to fall into deep sleep, falling asleep is of the utmost importance. Only if we let go mentally and fall asleep properly can our body perform the necessary tasks during sleep and the body draw strength for the new day. A healthy sleep phase should be up to 20 Minutes take maximally. Should we toss and turn in bed for a long time, there is one Difficulty falling asleep .

In the further phases of sleep, growth hormones are produced in our body, regeneration of the cells is initiated and the brain processes impressions. We dream and it is difficult to wake up. In order to start the new day relaxed, these sleep phases are an essential part of a healthy sleep.

Restful sleep

Restful sleep not only has an enormous impact on our physical and mental ability. Here are the main advantages:

  • We are in a better mood.
  • The muscle growth becomes stronger.
  • The skin regenerates and becomes better as a result.
  • During the day we enjoy an increased ability to concentrate.
  • We are more resistant to stress.
  • The fat metabolism is stimulated.
  • The immune system is strengthened.
Brain Effect Sleep Spray

Help with the BRAINEFFECT Sleep Spray

Before people with sleep problems resort to heavy sleeping pills, they can natural remedies as the SLEEP SPRAY * be the milder variants. Medically prescribed sleeping pills often have nasty side effects that seriously impair everyday life. Patients complain about not getting out of bed in the morning. The indolence in everyday life lasts for hours until you wake up again in the evening. For many, the rhythm is incompatible. Furthermore, after a certain period of use, weaning off sleeping pills is often a torture. Withdrawal symptoms with recurring problems falling asleep depress the patient. The BRAINEFFECT Sleep Spray is made of pure Melatonin and only helps in the sleep phase. Another scope and thus possible Nebenwirkungen does not have this SLEEP SPRAY.

The active ingredient of SLEEP SPRAY is released by the Mucous membranes absorbed directly and does not have to go through the entire digestion process in a detour. This enables a quick effect, that is, you can fall asleep quickly. The application of the spray is extremely user-friendly thanks to the integrated spray head. The advantage is that the spray can is small and handy and therefore fits in every bedside table and hand luggage when traveling. One bottle of BRAINEFFECT Sleep Spray is enough for one month.

Brain Effect Sleep Spray

A relaxed and quick sleep not only needs the right melatonin level. In order to fall asleep optimally, a darkened room is important, which is saved as a bedroom for our brain. In Hotel roomsIn which darkening is not possible, sleep masks can come in handy. Furthermore is Noise elimination important: the body can best fall asleep without television and other distractions.

BRAINEFFECT Sleep Spray Test

For a healthy day-night rhythm is the right one Melatonin levels important. Studies show that 1 mg of melatonin in the SLEEP SPRAY is approximately 62 pistachios corresponds to (1). This amount would be necessary to reach the melatonin level to fall asleep. The pharmaceutically produced melatonin is still 99% pure.

The Sleep SPRAY has a fresh one Mint flavor and is absorbed directly through the mucous membranes. The sprays can be dosed individually. The manufacturer's recommendation is to take 1 mg of melatonin about 20 minutes before bedtime.

We are looking forward to your BRAINEFFECT Sleep Spray * Experiencesthat are welcome to share in the comments!

BRAINEFFECT corporate goals

The Company BRAIN EFFECT would like to support the goal of successful people. The company believes that a healthy mental condition is the key to success. Concentration and mental strength are closely related to the successful moments of the day. A vital part of life includes sport, selected nutrients, the right attitude and sufficient relaxation. The company's mission is to support the performance of successful people with the right tools. With the motto “eat. perform. sleep. “is offered by BRAINEFFECT Performance food at. Unique tips and experiences from professional athletes with sufficient tests belong in the production. The products are intended to support high-performing people in their everyday lives, to be able to concentrate in stressful situations, to optimize mental regeneration and to be ready to go at the crucial moment.

Brain Effect Sleep Spray

BRAINEFFECT Sleep Spray: Conclusion

Business travelers sometimes cross several time zones in a few days and have to go to the next meeting after a few hours' rest in the hotel. Even Shift workers and generally people with Difficulty falling asleep can come to rest faster with the help of the BRAINEFFECT Sleep Spray. The feeling of having to go through the whole day on the bike can be a thing of the past thanks to the Sleep Spray. The sleep spray should be used half an hour before going to bed. The melatonin contained in the spray stimulates the brain to fall asleep more quickly. Letting go of the impressions of the day and falling asleep relaxed so that you can concentrate on the following day - that is the goal of BRAIN EFFECT Sleep Spray.


Advertising / reference links (*): The references marked with an asterisk (*) are so-called commission links. The page takes part in partner programs - more information on this in the imprint. If you click on such a reference link and shop via this link, we will receive a commission from your purchase. However, the price does not change for you.

Please note: It is possible to change product specifications, prices, delivery times and costs in the meantime. Therefore, in principle, all information in this regard is provided without guarantee.

  • ✔ YOUR HELP AGAINST SLEEPLESS NIGHTS (1) - Sleep better! With...
  • ✔ FOR AN EFFECTIVE BED ROUTINE - For night owls and...
  • ✔ SPRAY BOTTLE FOR PERFECT DOSING - The handy size...
2 BRAINEFFECT SLEEP GUMMIES (2x 30 Gummies) -... BRAINEFFECT SLEEP GUMMIES (2x 30 gummies) -...*
  • ✔ SNACKING SUGAR-FREE IN THE SLEEP - In the delicious gummies the ...
  • ✔ SLEEP GUMMY BEARS FOR FASTER DEEP SLEEP - With melatonin for...
  • ✔ PERFECT DOSAGE OF MELANTONIN - Suitable as an alternative to...
3 Vihado Melatonin Spray - Premium: Up to 5 times... Vihado Melatonin Spray - Premium: Up to 5 times...*
  • Value for money: melatonin spray long-term supply for 180 sprays...
  • Highly dosed: Only 1 spray a day for 0,5 mg melatonin! Other...
  • Advanced expert formula: With vitamin B6 and lavender for a...