BoxaGrippal * is a cold remedy from the manufacturer Sanofi-Aventis, which is available both as cold tablets and as cold juice. As the cold season is on the rise again, like every year, and despite all the innovations, no means has yet been found to prevent colds in advance, we looked at a drug that is supposed to fight a cold quickly. Regardless of whether you have a sore throat, headache or fever, BoxaGrippal promises quick relief. We do the test.

Colds - the curse of autumn

The problems are well known: As soon as autumn approaches, the last remnants of summer are waiting Cold viruses and Infections to make the run-up to Christmas a torture. Parties, cinema visits, birthdays - everyone falls by the wayside and instead of having fun with friends and family, you can stay in bed and roll yourself into your blanket with a runny nose and aching limbs.

1 Boxagrippal 20 film-coated tablets Boxagrippal 20 film-coated tablets*
  • PZN: 12460451
  • Product Quantity: 20St
  • Manufacturer: ANGELINI Pharma Austria GmbH
2 BoxaGrippal forte cold tablets economy set... BoxaGrippal forte cold tablets economy set...*
  • Medicine_Classification
3 Boxagrippal economy set 2 x 20 film-coated tablets Boxagrippal economy set 2 x 20 film-coated tablets *
  • PZN: 2 x 12460451
  • Contents: 2 x 20 pieces
  • Presentation: film-coated tablets
BoxaGrippal, 20 pcs BoxaGrippal, 20 pcs *
  • in pharmacies
  • For information on risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask ...
  • This product may not be distributed to persons under the legal ...

BoxaGrippal Promises to relieve and combat inflammation in the body and the symptoms of the common cold. as Cold juice or as Cold pill available, it is suitable for adolescents and adults aged 15 and over and is said to effectively combat flu infections and colds. We are curious to see what results our BoxaGrippal experiences show and hope that it is actually a means that can effectively drive away colds and flu infections.

BoxaGrippal effects and ingredients

"BoxaGrippal®: Treats the symptoms of the common cold
and at the same time combats the inflammation "(Sanofi-Aventis Germany GmbH)

BoxaGrippal refers to the products that are supposed to help against flu-like infections and colds, both in tablet form and as cold juice. Both products contain the active ingredients Ibuprofen and Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride, as well PSE designated. This makes BoxaGrippal a combination drug that relieves the annoying cold symptoms through the effects of both active ingredients and at the same time combats the infection in the body caused by viruses. This fight against inflammation is so important because it is what triggers the symptoms of the disease and makes the common cold or the flu-like infection so uncomfortable. Of the BoxaGrippal active ingredient is made up of two components.

BoxaGrippal, 20 pcs BoxaGrippal, 20 pcs *
  • in pharmacies
  • For information on risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask ...
  • This product may not be distributed to persons under the legal ...
BoxaGrippal cold juice, 180 ml BoxaGrippal cold juice, 180 ml*
  • PZN: 12871651
  • Product Quantity: 180ml
  • Manufacturer: ANGELINI Pharma Austria GmbH

BoxaGrippal under the hood - ibuprofen and PSE in detail

Most will be the active ingredient Ibuprofen be a household name, as it is also part of other drugs in various forms. the analgesic effect is accompanied by his antipyretic effect and the Inhibition of inflammation. It is much more tolerable for the stomach and has a stronger anti-inflammatory effect than other active ingredients.

PSE as the second active ingredient in BoxaGrippal has the effect that the mucous membranes in both the nose and the sinuses swell and both receive an improved air supply again. Inflamed secretion can flow away more easily, breathing becomes easier again and the mucous membranes recover. The special thing about PSE is that, unlike normal nasal sprays, it can also reach the mucous membranes of the sinuses.

Boxagrippal price comparison *

BoxaGrippal - cold tablets or cold juice?

As mentioned earlier, BoxaGrippal * is both boxagrippal Cold pill * as well as Boxagrippal cold juice * available. This has the pleasant advantage that you can choose the application method that suits you best personally. If you are not sure which variant suits you best, you can get detailed information in the nearest pharmacy. Since the effects of cold tablets and cold juice do not differ, you do not have to forego the pain relieving and fever lowering effects.

Benefits of BoxaGrippal cold tablets

In addition to combating the cold symptoms already mentioned, BoxaGrippal cold tablets have other advantages. As mentioned above, they fight inflammation, relieve cold symptoms, and clear the sinuses. Due to their small size, they can be very just swallow and as well transport well. Through her tastelessness you don't have to worry about an unpleasant taste in your mouth.

Benefits of BoxaGrippal cold juice

For everyone who has problems swallowing pills, this is the BoxaGrippal cold juice just the thing. Of course, the cold juice also combats the symptoms of colds and flu-like infections as well as inflammation in the body. Of the Effect occurs after taking the fast a thanks to the pleasant taste is easy to do. In addition, you don't need to worry about it Alcohol or sugar to make in the juice, as both not included at a hunt.

If you take BoxaGrippa cold tablets or BoxaGrippal cold juice, you will not recover completely the next day. Nevertheless, both preparations alleviate symptoms and inflammation and thus shorten the period of illness.

Compared to the two cold preparations Viruprotect cold spray and algovir So you have another way of taking cold remedies here

BoxaGrippal dosage and application

BoxaGrippal cold tablets * may from Adolescents and adults from 15 years be taken. the maximum daily dose is six tabletsthat you shouldn't exceed. A dosage of one to two tablets every six hours is recommended. At the onset of the disease, the pharmacy recommends taking two tablets at a time. This dose should then be reduced to one tablet once the symptoms decrease. It is recommended to swallow the tablets whole with a glass of water, preferably with a meal. If you want to use BoxaGrippal cold tablets for longer than five days, seek the advice of a doctor beforehand.

The BoxaGrippal cold juice can also be taken by adolescents and adults aged 15 and over. The dosage should not be higher than 10 to 20 milliliters every six hours. The maximum daily dose is 60 milliliters, which should not be exceeded. Again, it should be noted that if you take it for longer than five days, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

BoxaGrippal, 20 pcs BoxaGrippal, 20 pcs *
  • in pharmacies
  • For information on risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask ...
  • This product may not be distributed to persons under the legal ...

BoxaGrippal experiences

After looking more closely at the possibilities of BoxaGrippal We obviously wanted to know how well it is received by the users. We wanted to know whether the specified mode of action actually delivers what it promises. The response we were able to find was extremely positive, so we got some BoxaGrippal experiences ** listed for you. The reactions show the positive result that other users have with their BoxaGrippal Test *** received.

“I became aware of this remedy for flu-like infections a long time ago. In addition to a fever, headache and body aches, I then regularly suffer from sinus infections. The positive thing here is that you only have to take 1 drug and not several different tablets at the same time. You never know exactly how different preparations may influence each other negatively and you are on the safe side. ”(BoxaGrippal experience reports on mepex)

“BoxaGrippal is a very good combination preparation. I find that it works very well for colds with sore throats, nasal congestion and headaches. I will continue to choose this remedy as the first remedy for colds. ”(BoxaGrippal testimonials on mepex)

“When I'm really sick, I take the BoxaGrippal cold juice and it'll get better in a few days, so I can treat myself to that because other drugs don't work so well on me. I can recommend. ”(BoxaGrippal testimonials on mepex)

Do I have to expect BoxaGrippal side effects?

All BoxaGrippal side effects the instruction leaflet provides information. Of the Manufacturer Sanofi-Aventis has listed possible complications that can arise when taking BoxaGrippal. At this point it should be pointed out again that the instruction leaflet should be studied carefully before taking BoxaGrippal so that there are no problems with taking it.

The list of possible side effects can be found in the package insert. Depending on whether you are taking the BoxaGrippal cold tablets you will find the package insert here, or whether you are taking the BoxaGrippal cold juice you will find the Boxagrippal package insert here.

Boxagrippal price comparison *

Tips for colds and flu-like infections

Generally it is difficult to stand up against one cold , or a flu-like infection to protect completely. No matter what precautionary measures you take, the likelihood that you will be caught sooner or later is high. However, there are ways to reduce the risk of infection.

A healthy lifestyle around one is always recommended cold or one a flu-like infection to prevent. The following points are particularly important:

  • avoid stress
  • Eat a healthy diet with fruits, vegetables and fish
  • Juices containing vitamin C.
  • Exercise regularly
  • Sauna sessions
  • Avoid smoking

If an infection occurs despite these measures, rest and recovery will help. The healing process can be supported by keeping your body warm, for example by taking a warm bath. Light walks get your circulation going and stimulate healing. But be careful not to overexert yourself. The key is moderation. By taking BoxaGrippal you can also support the healing process. You can either use BoxaGrippal cold tablets or BoxaGrippal cold juice.

Conclusion on BoxaGrippal

The BoxaGrippal price depends on where you are Buy BoxaGrippal between three and 10 euros. Depending on the size of the pack, the price may vary. The comparatively low price makes BoxaGrippal a worthwhile investment, so it is advisable to order a few packs in advance. This means that you are optimally prepared for every cold and every flu-like infection.

BoxaGrippal, 20 pcs BoxaGrippal, 20 pcs *
  • in pharmacies
  • For information on risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask ...
  • This product may not be distributed to persons under the legal ...
BoxaGrippal cold juice, 180 ml BoxaGrippal cold juice, 180 ml*
  • PZN: 12871651
  • Product Quantity: 180ml
  • Manufacturer: ANGELINI Pharma Austria GmbH

There are plenty of alternatives for colds on the market, including the relatively new products such as virus protect or algovir. Everyone has their right to exist and ultimately everyone should experience for themselves which preparations are best for you to treat colds.

Buy BoxaGrippal

BoxaGrippal * is available both as a cold tablet * and as a cold juice * in almost every stationary pharmacy. Of course, BoxaGrippal can also be conveniently ordered online from home. Buy BoxaGrippal online gives you the advantage of not having to go to the pharmacy and having one BoxaGrippal price comparison to get the cheapest offer immediately. Medicines online For me, ordering has the advantage of avoiding annoying shopping trips and immediately saving on shopping. In addition, you can order the right supply right away so that you always have a remedy for colds and flu-like infections at hand. In the hope that you stay healthy, I look forward to your comments and testimonials in the comment field, should you catch a cold or a flu-like infection.

Advertising / reference links (*): The references marked with an asterisk (*) are so-called commission links. The page takes part in partner programs - more information on this in Imprint. If you click on such a reference link and shop via this link, we will receive a commission from your purchase. However, the price does not change for you.

Experiences and customer ratings (**) Disclaimer: The testimonials and experiences with the BoxaGrippal product can vary from person to person and are not universally valid. It is recommended that you see a doctor for a medical diagnosis.

Please note: It is possible to change product specifications, prices, delivery times and costs in the meantime. Therefore, in principle, all information is provided without guarantee.

1 Boxagrippal 20 film-coated tablets Boxagrippal 20 film-coated tablets*
  • PZN: 12460451
  • Product Quantity: 20St
  • Manufacturer: ANGELINI Pharma Austria GmbH
2 BoxaGrippal forte cold tablets economy set... BoxaGrippal forte cold tablets economy set...*
  • Medicine_Classification
3 Boxagrippal economy set 2 x 20 film-coated tablets Boxagrippal economy set 2 x 20 film-coated tablets *
  • PZN: 2 x 12460451
  • Contents: 2 x 20 pieces
  • Presentation: film-coated tablets